Mikoshiba Seijuro x Reader <Amusing>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot. Enjoy!
Your P.O.V
I was on my way back from school. I blasted my music to full volume. Music always helped me to get rid of all my frustrations.

Without knowing it, I started humming to the tune of the song until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Taking off my headphones, I bent backwards but gasped as soon as I saw how tall the guy behind me was.

"Um... Excuse me, you dropped this..." He said as he handed me a slip of paper. Oh... That was the letter that Mum asked me to drop in the mailbox on the way home. I thanked the stranger and was going to put on my headphones again when we stepped in front of me and stared at me.

It was starting to get awkward, his eyes bore into mine. His eyes were beautiful actually, they were yellow, quite rare. They reminded me of sunflowers... Maybe.

I wanted to start a conversation or at least make him move. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by him.

"Y'know... You're... Cute..." He pointed out. Eh? What is this... But taking this opportunity, I decided to let the sarcastic side of me to take over.

"Of course! I'm the cutest girl there is around!" I said dramatically, giving a bunny pose. I earned myself a chuckle from the guy.

"Hey, you're funny too. And that song just now... It was (Song) right?" He asked. I nodded my head. He knows it?

"If you don't mind, would you go on a date with me?" He scratched the side of his face. Is this guy serious? He's asking a stranger on a date. But nonetheless, I agreed.

I mean, he seems amusing enough... Maybe.
When was the last time I updated this book? I can't remember. "A few days ago!" Oh... Well, I like writing. If I don't write at least one story a day, I'll never eat cookies for the rest of my life. Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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