Yamazaki Sousuke x Reader <In The Gym>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot!

Just came back from the gym and was reminded of Sousuke so yea... I'm gonna write in my Haikyuu!! x Reader later...
Panting hard and gritting her teeth, ___ kept reminding herself that there was only 3 more minutes to go.

She had been running on the treadmill at 8.5 km/h for the last 30 minutes with an incline of 2.0. Taking a glance to her right, ___ clicked her tongue in annoyance. The male using the treadmill beside her was running at the same speed but he didn't seem tired at all. This man, was what ___ considered a rival, whose name was Yamazaki Sousuke.

Ignoring the stitch in her stomach and the aching of her legs, ___ persevered and ran. She cursed herself for not warming up properly but had no choice of stopping now.

Finally, the screen showed 'Cooldown'. The speed was reduced to 6.0 km/h and the incline was lowered. Heaving a sigh of relief, ___ could now take it easy.

"Oh? Tired ___?" Sousuke teased. He loved seeing her flustered. Growling, it took ___ all her strength to not punch the guy in his face. Distracted by the male, ___ lost her footing and forgetting to put on the emergency stop strap, ___ almost flew off the treadmill if not for Sousuke catching her.

"Careful! Don't want you getting hurt," Sousuke hoisted her up and pressed the stop button of her treadmill so that she could stand it. ___'s face heated up once again.

"Is someone embarrassed?" Sousuke brought his face close to ___'s close enough that she could feel his breath on her skin.

"I'm not!" Pushing Sousuke away, ___ ran out of the gym.

He laughed at how ___ had reacted and felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned back and saw that it was Matsuoka Rin.

"You better go comfort her..."
"I know..."
Heeheehee. Thanks for reading. Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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