Hazuki Nagisa x Reader <Latte Art>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot!
"___-chan! What's up?" Nagisa ran into the kitchen of his girlfriend's house after spotting her.

"Mm... Nothing much, just doing latte art... See? I'm drawing you!" ___ finished her art piece and set the toothpick onto the side of the plate. Taking her phone out, ___ took a picture and sent it to Nagisa.

"Wah... ___-chan's good... Hey, let me try to draw you!" Nagisa grabbed another cup and filled in with the necessary liquids. "Nagisa, pour more milk into it until it reaches the brim". Nagisa did and started to work on the art.

He turned to ___ every once in a while to see if he missed out details of her face.

Once done, Nagisa clapped with joy and took a picture of his work. Glancing over Nagisa's shoulder, ___ sweat dropped.

"Nagisa, is that really how I look like?" ___ sighed. What was suppose to be her face ended up looking like a horse.

"I'm sorry... I'm not as good as ___-chan when it comes to this..." Nagisa almost let a tear drip from his eyes.

"Want me to teach you?" ___ offered. Nodding his head enthusiastically, Nagisa found another cup to start again.
Boring... I know... Sigh. I'm gonna do a Haru one later. Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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