Matsuoka Rin x Reader <New Student>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot! Enjoy!

Words in bold and italics are speeches in Japanese
Your P.O.V
Today, we had a new student.

"My name is Rin Matsuoka!" He introduced. "Name sound like girl, but I am boy! Nice to meet you! Please!"

Wow... His pronunciation and grammar... There's no doubt that he's cute. But he's from Japan right? Maybe I can teach him a thing or two about English.

During lunch break, I decided to have a little chat with my new classmate, just to know him better.

"Hi. My name's ___. You're Rin right?" I greeted. He had a slightly confused look on his face. He must've had problems understanding English. "My name is ___. You're Rin right?"

"Eh? Japanese?" He seemed shocked. Well, I'm half Japanese after all. My mum being a (Race) and Dad being a Japanese. My dad has been communicating with me using Japanese.

"Yes. You seem to have trouble understanding English. Would you want me to teach you?" I offered. He eagerly accepted and thanked me.

After a few months, Rin's English has improved drastically. I'm proud of him.

"___, um... Thanks for all you've done. I'm truly grateful for your help but... I'm returning to Japan," Rin said as his gaze was to the ground.

I nodded my head and shook his hand. "It was nice meeting you! I think you were the first ever Friend I've made. I hope we can keep in touch! You have my email address right? If you ever come back to Australia, let me know! I'll be the first to welcome you!"

Rin teared a bit before hugging me. "Alright! Then, see you my friend!"


A few years later
To: (Email)
From: (Rin's email)
Hey ___ it's me! I'm coming back to Australia and I'm bringing a friend with me. He's name's Haruka Nanase. See you!

At the airport, I waited for the arrival of Rin, how long I have waited for him to come to Australia again.

And there, I spotted a maroon-headed male. Recognising him almost immediately, I quickly ran to meet with Rin.

He has really grown... He's more muscular and handsome. Oh gosh... No ___, don't think about these kinda stuff.

"Sup Rin! Welcome back to Australia!"
He nodded. "Glad to be back!"
I re-watched Free! Eternal summer to refresh my memories about this anime. And Rin was so cute when he was younger!! All of them were actually but Rin was the cutest. Hope you enjoyed reading this! Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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