Shigino Kisumi x Reader <Babysitter>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot! Enjoy! And uh... This isn't like the other Kisumi x Reader when we say 'Kiss me'
___ was new at babysitting but she was lucky enough to be hired by the Shigino family to babysit Hayato.

It was almost time for ___ to leave when a teenage male walked through the door.

"Kisumi-onii-chan! I really enjoyed playing with ___-nee-san! Can she come over next time? Can she?" Hayato excitedly yelled and clinger onto Kisumi leg.

'Gorgeous' was the first thing that came onto ___'s mind. He's hair was just like Hayato's except longer. His eyes were sparkling purple, body figure wise, quite good. 'Looks like his name is Kisumi...'

"Well, ___-chan, looks like we'll be hiring you again~" Kisumi winked "Why don't you stay for dinner? I'd like to know more about you~"

___ blushed but nodded. "Yay! I can't wait!" Hayato exclaimed.
:P short. Ai is coming up next. Hopefully it'd be longer. Hope you enjoyed this chapt. Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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