Nanase Haruka x Reader <In My Dreams>

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I'm gonna update all my books Everyday for a week but the week after, I'm not gonna write. So it's in an alternate pattern XD and I'm gonna get a Magi x Reader book up so look forward to it!

DISCLAIMER: I do it own anything in here except for the story plot! Enjoy! And this is gonna be short...
In my dreams, there was a guy.

He had raven black hair and eyes as blue as the sea.

His figure was firm yet his soul was gentle.


___ groaned as she got out of bed and offed the alarm clock. Rubbing her eyes, she went to get ready school. She was going to attend Iwatobi High School. Her parents always had to move from one place to another because of their job. This would've been the 6th time she changed schools already. Due to this, she also didn't have the chance to interact with people, but that didn't stop her from being a talkative person.

Riding her bike to school, ___ got distracted by her thoughts, who was that guy? She wasn't aware of her surroundings until she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. She hoisted herself up, only to fall down once again. She cursed under her breath. She scanned the area and her eyes fell onto a male, maybe about the same age as her.

He had Raven black hair and eyes as blue as the sea... Wait... Where has she seen him before?

The guy stared at ___ before asking, "Are you hurt?" The agony in her ankle hasn't gone away. She must've hurt it pretty badly.

"Yeah... I think I twisted my ankle..." ___ sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck and adverted her gaze. The boy did not hesitate to carry ___ up. He brought her to the nurse's office to get that ankle of hers checked.

"Well, all she needs is a little rest. Please help me press this ice pack on her ankle for awhile. I'll go get some bandages," The nurse left ___ alone with the stranger and shut the door.

"So uh... Thanks for helping me. I didn't catch your name though," ___ started, trying to get rid of the awkward silence which lingered in the air.

"Nanase... Haruka..." He answered, looking down at the ice pack and asserted a little less pressure on the spot.

"I'm ___! A new student here! Nice to meet you!" She grinned and looked out of the window. 'What a coincidence this was...' She thought.

Or was it?
:P hope you like the story! Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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