Mikoshiba Momotarou x Reader <I Know You Do>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot! Enjoy!

I didn't update yesterday. Sigh. I'm sry... Inspired when I saw a giant beetle (I have no idea which beetle, was too scared to find out) during my trip haha (no, no haha)
___ and her boyfriend, Momotarou, decided to spend their holidays at (Random country). It was late in the evening and they had just finished eating dinner.

The two were walking back to their rooms together when ___ stepped on something hard and heard a crunch.

She was curious as to what she had stepped on so she took out her phone to shine some light onto the pavement.

As soon as she saw it, she screamed at the top of her lungs and clinged onto Momotarou's arm. Her little body shivered as she breathed in hard.

"Oh! It's a stag beetle!" Momotarou squatted down beside the insect and flipped it over. "___-chan! Do you know that stag beetles are Britain's largest insects?"

"No! Please Momo, can we go now?" ___ tugged on his shirt, eager to get back. She knew that the backstroke swimmer had a really big interest for stag beetles but honestly, it was creeping her out.

"Haha okay ___, let's go!" Momotarou took her hand and they went back. "Yes! Thank you finally! I love you!" ___ heaved a sigh of relief. "I know you do," He replied and he kissed her cheek.
Thanks for reading! Insects... Are... My... Biggest... Fears... Gah! Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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