Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Ellie's POV

My head was on a pillow, which was surprisingly hard.

I couldn't open my eyes. My eyelids were stuck.

I had a strange feeling inside my body, i wanted to move but couldn't.

Fear ran inside me. What if i'm paralyzed?

What if I can't ever move.

All i hear is a voice, the voice i'm so familiar to.

Louis Tomlinson.

"Ellie, wake up" His voice was soothing and made me want to wake up, but it hurt.

As soon as I felt a hand envelope mine, I jolted awake.

My heart started beating fast.

The pain was still in my body.

"Lou..." I said my eyes tearing up

He stood up from the chair next to the hospital bed i was in.

He bent down infront of me, his face being infront of mine.

"Shh, Love, it's okay" he said stroking my cheek

He held my hand tighter "What happened, Louis?" I asked him

He sighed "Your blood sugar dropped really low and you passed out" He said

I closed my eyes.

"You are perfect Ellie, your body has no flaws, it is perfect. YOU are perfect the way you are" He said and sighed again "Don't do it again"

He caressed my cheek.

"I won't" I promised

He lowered his head to mine and placed his gentle lips on mine, kissing me gently.

I kissed him back immediately.

The butterflies came in my stomach again.

"You are perfect, Ellie" he said

It brought a weak grin to my face.

Seeing me smile, he smiled too and a dimple formed on his face.

The opening of the door caused him to pull back a bit.

The doctor walked in the room with a file.

"Alright, Elizabeth, you had energy deficiency so we subscribed you some energy supplements to give you the required amount of energy for the day" she said smiling

"Thanks" I said

She nodded "I'll get your discharge forms signed and you are good to go"

The doctor's phone rang and she went out of the room to answer it.

"Did my mum come?" I asked Louis

He smiled "She came and stayed for a while but I told them that I was here to take care of my beautiful EllieBellie"

I smiled.

This nickname would be annoying, but today I kind of liked it. It was a symbol that me and Louis would always have a kind of bond.

It symbolized our friendship...

and the little attraction between us.

"They really like you and you are the only person that they actually trust with me" I said

He smiled, a bit too proudly.

"Well that's because they know how much you mean to me and the Mark guy, he's an asshole" He said scrunching his face in disgust

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