Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

June's POV

We didn't run the rest of the way home. I didn't want to because I was worried I would throw up on the way. I wanted an easy recovery.

I forced Louis to walk with me through town, and I could tell it was torturing him. I wondered how long it was since he had last drained someone. Was it possible for him to die of starvation? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was no.

"I want to visit my mother," I said out of the blue. I recognized the street where Louis had killed that man and kidnapped me. Though at the moment I wasn't feeling completely kidnapped.

"Why?" Louis asked.

I glared at him. "Why do you think?" I retorted. "You took me away from her."

He snorted. "Grow up," he said. "I can't let you see her."

"I promise I won't try anything," I pleaded with him. "I just want to see her and how she's doing."

I widened my eyes to look cute and pleading, while in my head I wondered how my mother was coping with my disappearance. Was she crying? Was she relieved? Did she call the police? Did she call my father?

Louis sighing interrupted my thoughts. "Fine," he mumbled. "But I'm keeping an eye on you."

Don't you always? I thought sarcastically, but wisely didn't say anything. I headed down the street towards what was supposed to be my new house. My feet quickened, and I almost started running, desperate to see my mother, but a cold hand locked onto my wrist. I turned around to see Louis glaring at me.

"No running," he said. "Little physical activity, remember?"

I struggled not to roll my eyes. With great difficulty, I slowed down.

I saw the living room window, and I went up to it. I was about to look inside when my hair was yanked back. I yelped in pain.

"Sshh!" Louis shushed me. "We can't be seen."

He forced me down onto the cold, concrete ground. I slowly peeked my head up and looked through the window. What I saw made my heart break.

My mother sat on the couch across from two policemen, who were standing in front of her. One of them was taking notes, while the other asked her questions. She was nodding and answering them, wringing her hands like she did when she was nervous. She wasn't crying, but it was clear she was stressed and upset. My mother never cried, and truthfully I was glad to see she wasn't breaking down. She was strong.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but the policeman asking the questions said something, and my mother rushed up the stairs, making me duck my head so she wouldn't see me. What was she doing? What had that policeman said to her?

She returned quickly, hugging something to her chest, and she sat back down. The policemen looked at her expectantly, and she sighed. She showed them what was clearly a picture. I squinted to see what it depicted. Tears stung my eyes when I realized it was a person: me. It was my most recent yearbook picture, and I looked so... young, I guess. Young and innocent.

The tears were streaming down my mother's face now, and she grabbed a few tissues. The notepad officer took the picture away from her and recorded observations. The other tried to continue with the questions, but she only cried.

My mother was crying. MY mother. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes furiously. I wanted to rush in there and hug my mother, tell her I was fine and that he promised he wouldn't kill me. But I couldn't, because Louis' cold grip was still fixed on my wrist, and if I tried twisting it away I would surely break it.

It tore my heart knowing that I was just outside her window and she didn't know. And she couldn't know.

I buried my face in my hands and began to cry. Seeing my mother like this refreshed the pain. I wanted to go home! This one, not the other one.

"So, was it worth it?" a voice asked, and I looked up through my tears. Louis was actually smirking and looking at me like I was foolish. The nerve of him!

"Yes!" I hissed back.

"Was it really?" he pried. "Because you're crying again."

He looked into the window and chuckled. "Your picture is so adorable," he said.

I stared at him. Has he gone looney? "Adorable?" I said, sitting up straighter. "What... you...."

"Speechless?" he said in a taunting way. He stood up, out of sight from the window. "Well, let's go back now," he said, brushing himself off.

I stared at him again. He was acting like this was an everyday thing! What was his problem?

"I hate you," I growled, standing up. I brushed away a few spare tears that slipped out of my eyes.

He rolled his blue ones. "What else is new?" he asked carelessly. "Which do you prefer: piggyback, or bridal style?"

Before I could figure out what shit he was talking about and give him an answer, he swept me up... well, bridal style.

"Bridal it is," he said. I didn't like how close his face was to mine, so I turned away.

He took off sprinting at vampire-speed, into the woods and back home.


Author's Note:

Okay, to be blunt, I don't think anybody is liking this story. But that's okay, because I like writing it. There's only, like, six chapters left and then it'll be finished. So really there's no use in deleting it and losing the few votes I've got on it.

Either way, please keep reading, even if it sucks. Actually, don't do that. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do. Unlike parents and chores :p

To make me a very happy writer and you a very happy reader, please click on my picture or search me on the Discover. I promise you, all of my other fanfics are better than this one. Just check out those reads and votes! Maybe even fan me while you're at it? I always fan back ;)

Stay Beautiful,

-Sammi <3

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