Chapter 3

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From that facial expression I knew I was screwed. I quickly tried to pull my sleeve down as if nothing happened, but it didn't work as well as I thought.

"Ellie, why would you do that? I thought you were never that kind of girl!" Michael said, looking disappointed.

I didn't want to tell him about David and I, but then I didn't want to lie either. I'm afraid that he might tell mom and dad, and then it'll get worse from there.

"It's just a scratch from school today, nothing major." I said, hesitating.

"You hesitated. Tell me the truth, or it'll get bad from here." He demanded.

Maybe if I tell him he will understand. But it could go wrong, he might laugh at me for making such a small thing a huge deal, or maybe he'll just spread what I have done.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone. I'm putting full trust on you." I said.

I don't think I could really trust Michael, like when I told him I ditched school just to see David at a movie theatre, he told mom. But that was months ago. Maybe it could have changed.

"We'll see about that. If its a stupid matter, then no problem. But if it is serious, then I have to. You're my sister I hate on the outside, but I have to care for you until the day I leave you." Uttering.

Those words. I never heard him say that kind of a sentence before. I just starred at him for a moment. Until I snapped back into reality.

I started off telling him how people believe the rumor about me dumping David, when its vice versa, and how random ass people and ex friends are just bombing my social media full of bullshit questions.

"Why don't you just delete all of it...or block them?" He said.

"Even if I do that, there are people who can still contact me anyways, it won't work." I explained.

Continuing my story, I explained to him in every little detail, from running home to how I promised myself I would never cut or harm myself, everything.

It was 5:30. Mom and dad are soon going to arrive home. I need an answer from Michael like this second.

"Well? Are you going to expose me or what?" Impatiently waiting for an answer.

"I'm going to..."

"Hurry up and tell me!" I shouted.

The garage door opened, leading mom and dad into the house. Looking at us confused, they didn't mind to ask us.

"Tell you what?" Mom asked worried.

"Well Ellie was jus-" Without completing the sentence, I covered Michael's mouth.

Mom looked even more worried. I can't stand to see her like this. Dad, on the other hand, didn't really seem to care, he just looked tired.

Michael moved my hand off his faced and continued what he was saying.

What he said was just, I don't know how to word it.

Short chapter, sorry! Busy day today, tomorrow it'll be longer, I promise. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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