Chapter 2: The Meet Up

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"She had a smile that I couldn't forget. Shining brighter than the floss piece around her neck. The girl was so fine I just gotta make her mine. Tell me, have you seen her? Have you seen her?"

- Have You Seen Her? by Donnell Jones


The days went by and Tre still had not heard from Dylan. It bruised and fúcked up his ego that she hadn't called three days ago like she promised she'd do four days ago. He even told his mom that if she called to give her his cell phone number.

By Tuesday evening he was livid. He knew that if she called now he wouldn't accept it. That's how pissed he was.

As soon as that went through his mind his phone rang. He picked it up and said, hello, thinking it was one of his niggas. "Yes, may I speak to Trevanté, please?" she asked politely.

"Yea, you finally decided that you had a little break in life to call me, huh?" he asked in a nasty tone. "But what do you want, 'cause I gotta' go and I ain't got no time to be playin' with some goofy áss female who don't—" he didn't even get to finish his sentence before she hung up on him in his face. His mouth actually hung open before he heard the phone ring again a few seconds later. "Hello?" he asked, knowing it was her.

"Hi. Now, you better try that the right way because I'm definitely not one of those corner females that you can just curse out and shít. If you gone talk to me like a man then do it right," she said indignantly.

He did not like her tone one bit and neither did she like his. He was also awestruck because no one has ever talked to him that way without practically asking to get slapped. Let alone, hang up on him.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, ma'. It's ju--" she stopped him right there.

"First of all, ma' got a name. Use it," he sighed a little more heavily this time, as if to calm himself down. She was just straight-up smirking through the phone.

"Okay. Maybe we should start this conversation over..." he paused. "I don't want you to think this is some little game so I wanna' know why you haven't called me in the last few days? I, of course, am a man of my word. My word is bond, so when I say something then you can count on me fulfilling my promises. So, therefore, that's what I expect from others. I do not tolerate liars, not even the biggest nor tiniest ones."

"That goes for me as well, Trevanté," she said. "I don't like liars either. But there are a few things I need to talk to you about anyway since we're being all truthful," he braced himself for the worst.


"Danielle lied to you. I have never told her I was attracted to you, I have never seen you a day in my life, and I have never begged her to introduce us ever since I saw you. Even if I did see you I would have never gotten anyone to call or approach you for me. If I did want to meet you, I am very much my own person. I don't even know what you look like."

She also reminded him that she was still in high school and the reason she couldn't call him back was because she had schoolwork piled to the ceiling. Also, her lawyer needed to speak with her and she had to attend court.

"There's a reason why I have court dates but I have to tell you that in person, not over the phone. People are just way too quick to judge..." she told him and he just nodded in agreement, as if she could see him.

Trevanté couldn't believe it. Not only was she mature and very well spoken. She was so honest that if she had something to say she obviously didn't care what people thought... She said it anyway. She spoke her mind no matter whose feelings were on the line. Trevanté couldn't believe himself also. What was he doing entertaining a 17 year old? He liked older women, but this high schooler had his undivided attention.

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