Chapter 13: Class of 2016

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"Love is for sucka's. That's why I don't trust 'em, 'cause when you try to cuff 'em, you end up in trouble. Saying love is for sucka's. That's why I don't need it."

- Sucka' by August Alsina ft. Lloyd


Months Later... Graduation...

"She received a full-ride to go to any college she chooses because of her 4.0 GPA and her ACT test scores. She has four scholarships to go to University of Michigan, University of Alabama, Jackson State University, Ohio State University, or the University of New York. Give it up for our Valedictorian, Dylan Jakes!" Principal Michael announced and Dylan stood up proudly.

Every person in the auditorium was on their feet and clapping loudly. Especially Danie, Brandy, Daph, Chris, and - of course - Tre. His parents were also there, waving at her excitedly. Tre winked at her and she smiled at him before taking the stage.

"I'm a little shy..." she said and laughter erupted. Everyone knew she was no where near shy.

"She lying!" one of her classmates yelled and everyone laughed again, including her.

"All I would really like to say is thank you all. My teachers, who pushed me harder to get good grades. Principal Michaels, for letting me slide when I was sent to you..." she smiled at him and he winked at her before nodding. "I would also like to thank my best friends, Brandy and Danielle for motivating me to be the best that I could be. And last but not least... I would like to thank Trevanté Carter for being my everything. My motivator, my shoulder, my friend, and my heart..."

He was shocked that she even mentioned his name but eventually smiled back at her lovingly. "I love you," he mouthed and she smiled as tears came down her face. She laughed a little before clearing them up.

"Gone 'head, take ya' time!" someone cheered and she started talking again.

"But really, none of this would have happened without all of my classmates. We are the year of 2016 and we are the year that's gonna' make a difference..." she said before they all hooted and hollered excitedly.

She then went to go sit back down. When she did everyone patted her on the back and said nice things in her ear.

"Now, we're moving on. It's time to give the graduates their certificates..." everyone cheered. "First row. Please, stand..." they did exactly that. They were all in sync. Just as they had practiced. "Imani Akbar..." was the first name Mr. Michaels called out.

When he got to Dylan's name everyone cheered for her. She took pictures with her principal and the superintendent before shaking their hands.

As she was walking down the stairs she noticed Tre and his parents waiting for her. She was extremely thankful Shawn hadn't come...

She smiled as Tre picked her up and spun her around. She laughed and he eventually put her down. "I am so proud of you," he spoke.

"Thank you," she said as her voice cracked. He kissed her tears away and she smiled.

"Hey, honey bunches of oats," she heard a voice say. She turned around and when she saw her mom she screamed joyously.

"Mommy! You came!" she ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Of course I did, baby," she said and Dylan pulled back. Tre and his parents were staring at her.

"Mom, this is Mr. and Mrs. Carter, my in-laws," she introduced them before giggling.

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