Chapter 4: Young, Not Dumb

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"I know life won't be this tough forever. Only one thing makes it better. Don't hold it inside. No such thing as pride, when your heart's on the line. It's okay to cry."

- Cry by Tynisha Keli


"Dylan Jakes, please come to the office. Dylan Jakes, please come to the office," the principal over the intercom announced. Dylan almost instantly banged her head down on the desk and groaned.

What'd I do this time?

Mr. Greene and the other students stopped what they were doing to look at Dylan expectantly. She smiled quickly and walked out of the door before he resumed his lesson.

She snatched the office door open and made eyes with the secretary. "Yes?" she asked with a blatant attitude.

"Here, these are for you..." she urged and Dylan quirked her eyebrows as she was handed a dozen white roses with pink tips.

"Who is this from?" she asked and the secretary shrugged as she continued to tip-tap on her computer. Dylan looked for a card and when she found it she looked at it strangely. 'Thinking of You', it read and so she flipped it open. A poem was inside...

'You are the sun to my moon

You are the light in my room

You are the smile that makes my day

You are the path to every way

You are the beating of my heart

You are the beginning of every start

You are the one who I think of

And this is why I'm the man who can love...

- Tre'

Dylan covered her mouth in shock and happiness as she read the poem over and over again. The secretary was looking at her expectantly while she cheesed like a Cheshire cat. "Thank you," she whispered to the secretary and grabbed her flowers from the desk.

She walked back to class, still in a daze. When she opened the door everyone looked at her face, and what she had in her hand, skeptically.

She sat back down in her seat awkwardly and Mr. Greene began talking once again. Dylan couldn't pay attention because all she could think about was Tre and the poem over and over. She remembered it by heart in just those few moments. She recited it over and over in her head as a goofy smile remained plastered on her face.

"Miss Jakes, would you like to come up and do the problem since you're in such a daze over there?" Mr. Greene asked and Dylan shot him a venomous look.

"Sure..." she spoke sarcastically. She slowly stood from her seat and finished the quadratic equation written on the board before going back to her seat. "Good job. Now, class..." she blocked him out on d again as her thoughts went to Tre for the rest of class.

It wasn't long before they were dismissed for lunch. The bell snatched Dylan out of her daze and she looked at her phone to see the time.

All the students stood up from their desks as Mr. Greene explained what they should be working on once they got home later on. Dylan walked to her locker, put the card in her purse, and her flowers on the top shelf with a wide smile before walking to the lunch room. A few of her classmates asked her who had got her the flowers, but she remained tight-lipped.

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