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"Tay what are you talking about?" Ray Ray asked looking puzzled.

"Oh don't act like you don't know." Tay smirked. "That you are not only brothers but lovers."

"What !?" Roc screamed standing up. "I AIN'T GAY!"

"Yea." Prod added. "That's ridiculous and totally untrue!"

"We'll that's not what I saw." Tay said holding up a Manila folder full of pictures.

"Are you freaking kidding!?" Ray laughed. "No one is gonna believe those fake pictures you made."

"We'll see about that." Tay smiled." If you don't give me what I want, I will have Instagram loaded with pics of Mindless Be-GAY-vior." Tay laughed hard. So hard it sounded sinister.

"I ain't giving you shit!" Ray yelled, pissed off.

"Yo hold up Ray." Prod intervened. "Maybe we should hear her out."

"For what!" He fumed. "I said I ain't giving her nothing! Our fans aren't going to believe them photoshops."

"You never know." Roc added. "Photoshop is a motha these days! Lets not take that chance."

"Iight." Ray agreed. "What you want Tay? Money?" He sighed "I'll have a check written for you in the morning."

"Oh no no no noooo." Tay walked down the stairs and sat on the arm of the sofa. "I don't want your money."

"Then what do you want Tay!!?!? I don't have time for your games!!" Ray was beyond mad.

"Alright gosh." Tay snickered. "What I want isn't going to cost you any money....yet."

"Stop beatin around the fucking bush!!" Roc yelled. He just wanted all this to be over. "What do you want?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"Sperm." Tay shrugged. All faces held bewildered expressions.

"What you want to have sex or something?" Ray smiled "Cuz I can handle mine." Ray bragged as he dapped out his boys.

"We'll that's the fun way to do it." Tay smiled. "I want your baby Ray." Ray's mouth dropped. "You can break up with me but you're not gonna just completely walk out of my life."

"Tay you must be crazy!" He finally spoke. "You not bout to have me stressed out and on child support!" He was not having it!

"Well either that or I can ruin your rep." Tay walked Over to him. "Then all your fame, your fans will be gone. And you don't want that to happen, right baby?" She brushed Ray's cheek with the back of her hand.

"Trick don't touch me!" Ray yelled and stood up, Slapping her hand down.

"Come on Ray." Prod tried. "This affects all of us. Just think about it."

"Iight." Ray agreed. "But you think about this." He pointed at Natasia. "Where were you 2 years ago when we met?" They all walked out leaving her standing in the living room. Tay's evil face saddened. All the perks she was getting for just being Ray's girl blinded her. She didn't realize how fast things could change. She messed up bad. Ray didn't love her anymore. She knew now how quickly reality could smack her in the face, and how quick she could return to the streets of Harlem.


(2weeks later)

"Did you have fun?" Princeton asked as him and Venus returned from yet another date. They had gone out at least 3 time just this week.

"Yes." she replied as they stopped at her door.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself baby. " Her heart started to beat fast everytime he said that word.

For the Love of Ray Ray(Mindless Behavior Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now