It's about to go down! (Kevin Hart voice)

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Heyyy my little wildflowers!! Well the end is near. This story will be over in the next few days. If i have at least 10 Votes on it when its completed, I will do a sequel. Or ya'll can just comment if i should do a sequel or not. I do have a Roc Royal Story written to put on here but I would like to know if you guys want a part two to Ray's. I have a JAcob Latimore story IDea but i need names and Character's So I'll do a casting call. Okay without further Ado heeerrrrrrreeeeessss......... Part 19... I think lol.

"Aww man!" Prod yelled sitting down his plate of chicken. "I'll go check the power box." As he stood tup, the sound of glass breaking Rang throughout the house.

"Someone is breaking in." Maya cried holding on to Ray's hand.

"Girls go upstairs." Roc demanded. "Split up and hide."

"Babe i'm scared." Venus whined.

"It's okay." He smiled at what she called him. "I'll protect you." The girls Ran upstairs as he insstructed. "I'll go first." Roc said grabbing a baseball bat out of the closet.

"Right Behind you." Ray said unscrewing the wooden stick off the broom.

"Come on Prod." Prince grabbed a knife and stood behind Ray.

"You don't need a weapon?" Roc asked Prod noticing his hands were empty.

"You forgot I got a black belt in Martial Arts. That is a weapon." They shared a quick laugh and then started to search the house


As soon as the girls got upstairs, They hugged briefly and then split up to hide. Maya ran into Ray's room and locked the door. Zariah went into the theatre. It was too big to be quickly spotted, and Rakenya went in the bathroom and hopped out the window to go find help. Venus was walking around looking for a place no one would tthink to look. She ran to the maid's cleaning closet. Just as she reached for the knob, she felt cold metal touch the back of her neck.

"Turn around reeeaaaallll slow."  She heard a deep voice say. She turned and looked upon a tall man dressed in all black with a mask on wielding a gun in her face. She saw the staircase in her peripheral view.

"If only I could get downstairs to Roc." She thought to herself. "He would protect me." She took her chance and bolted towards the stairs. Before she could even get down one step, The man grabbed her by her hair.

"You done fucked up now bitch!!" He growled in her ear and then pushed her down the stairs.


(BAck Downstairs)

The boys were walking around quietly trying to locate whoever was in their house. They saw a figure ,in the dark ,run across the room.

"Prodigy follow him!" Ray yelled and prod dashed away to trail the predator. "I'll go with him." Ray said following prodigy.

"Guess its just me and you." Prince said tightening his grip on the knife.

"Yep." Roc nodded popping the P. They then heard a loud rumbling down the stairs. They ran into the living room. They followed the wimpering noises the heard to the staircase. Roc got down on his knees feeling around to find the crying human. His hand brushed passed the softest silkyest hair. He ran his fingers through the ever so familiar roots and began to cry. "Venus?"

"Roc.." She whined. "My ankle." Roc Picked her up and sat her on the bottom step.

"What's this?" He asked as he wiped the thick wet liquid on his pants "BAbe are you bleeding? Where?" He asked touching her body bottom to top. When he got to her Right temole he froze. "Did you hit your head?"

"I don't know." She slurred. "but I'm dizzy."

"Just keep your eyes open and breath." He said. "Stay with me."  HE wiped his tears and sucked in air trying to stay strong for her but he was breaking up inside.

"Roc I can't." She said  fading away. "Prince, I love you." She smiled faintly and he put his head down. "I love you too Chresanto, I always have." After that she was silent.

"Shit." Prince said shaking her lifeless body. "PLease don't die."

"Baby please." Roc said Sobbing uncontrollably. "i can't live without you." Roc layed on his chest squeezing  her limp body in his arms.

"Come on." Princeton said Standing up.

"Prince I'm not leaving he--"

"Let's go." Prince cut him off. "We have to find the others and figure out who did this to her. Roc layed Venus' body down. He stood up and saw a large figure appear behind Princeton.

"Prince look out!" Roc yelled jumping infront aand grabbing prince. Two shots were fired and they hit the ground. Then all was silent.

Okay Chickadees. It's not over yet but don't forget to comment about the sequel and other stories. Vote and follow please. Love ya!!


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