The Gang is all here.

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Well my wild flowers 🌻 this is our final chapter. 😪 You don't know how much I appreciate everyone who read this. This story reached almost 400 reads!!! You guys are amazing. I had fun writing this and I can't wait to write more for you guys. 2 more votes and I'll give you that sequel. I love you guys! Stay mindless!

The next morning, everyone came home from the hospital. They were so tired the went straight up the back stairs and to their bedrooms. Prodigy was hungry. He went into the kitchen, made him a sandwich, and walked into the living room.

"Dang I should have made two." He said shoving the last bite in his mouth. He clicked the tv on but quickly turned it off when he noticed Venus and Princeton asleep on the sofa. She stirred and then sat up. "Sorry, I wasn't trying not to wake you up."

"It's okay. How's Roc.?" Venus asked dreading the answer.

"Actually he's fine." Prodigy answered. Venus perked up.


"Yea." Prod confirmed. "They were able to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding. The bullet hit right below his left lung. He lost a lot of blood and had to get a blood transfusion. We have to go picked him up later on today."

"Great!" V shouted. "I'm super excited." She ran up the stairs to Roc's room to straighten it up for him. "Thank you god. Thank you" she said walking in.


Princeton woke up hours later, alone on the sofa. He got up and walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating dinner. "Hey everybody." He said rubbing his eye. He got out a plate. "How's Roc?"

"I'm straight." Roc said smiling. Prince turned around and for the first time, noticed that Roc Royal was sitting at the table.

"ROC!!" He screamed and the ran over to him. He hugged him tight.

"Ouch!" Roc cried. "I'm still sore from surgery."

"My bad." Prince said. "I'm just so happy to see you. You saved my life. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"By staying away from my wife." Roc laughed but was serious.

"Done!" Prince laughed. "She loves you bro." Princeton smile as Venus kissed Roc on the cheek. The gang was back and better than ever!


(2 weeks later)

The boys were out doing promo and the girls were home alone. They were all just sitting around taking.

"I'm so glad I found out the truth." Venus said.

"Me too." Maya agreed. "I hated you being mad at me. And now you and Roc Royal are back together."

"I'm happy for you V." Zariah jumped in. "Now you can finally leave my man alone." She laughed referring to


"I'm glad y'all finally together." Rakenya told Zariah. "Who knew y'all had so much in common." They all smiled. "Y'all not gon asked about me and Prodigy.?" Rakenya asked.

"Why would we?" Venus asked. "We know y'all still going strong."

"We'll of course. With Prod old fashioned ass." Maya laughed. "Man.. I love Ray."

"And I love me some Roc!" Venus exclaimed. Al the stuff I went thought to keep him. The rumors, lies, my lil fling with Prince, him being shot. WHOO! My baby had me allll stressed out. "

"Girl please," Maya laughed. "I literally had to FIGHT for the love of Ray Ray."

Wellll guys. That's it!!!😓 I hope you loved reading it just as much as I loved writing it!! Remember vote/comment/follow. Lets get to 10 votes. Ik we can do it. Thank you all soo much again for reading my story. There's plenty more inside the sunshine stadium (my brain lol). I love you guys and I won't stop writing,


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