Chapter 6: You Can't Do That

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It was the night of our date and the boys were going to be here any minute to pick us up. Sarah was just finishing getting ready and I was pacing back and forth across the room. 

I knocked on the door of the bathroom and yelled at Sarah, "Come on hurry up! You are taking forever!" 

"Just give me two more seconds!" Sarah said. 

"You said that five minutes ago!" I yelled. 

Sarah came out of the bathroom a couple minutes later and she started going on about how she looked bad. 

"Sarah, you look fine! I wish I could say the same about myself." I said. 

I hoped I looked ok for the date since we were going to a fancy restaurant. I  was excited and nervous at the same time and it felt like hours until the boys showed up, but they were right on time. 

Sarah and I walked out of the house as soon as the boys pulled into our driveway. John and Paul stepped out and opened the car doors for us and helped us into the car. 

"Hello love, how are you on this fine evening?" John asked me. 

"Great, I can't wait until we get to the restaurant!" I said. 

On the way to the restaurant we were listening to Chuck Berry. I was surprised that John had the same taste in music as me and that made me like him even more. We had the windows rolled down and the radio at full blast. John and Paul seemed so free spirited and I liked that about them.

We got the restaurant and it was pretty busy. We had to wait for 30 minutes to get a seat but I used this time to talk to John about music. I found out that he liked Buddy Holly too and I got so excited because he was one of my favorites. 

We got a seat and started to decide what we were going to have. John and I got lasagna and Sarah and Paul got fettuccine alfredo. The meals on the menu were pretty expensive so we decided to share meals. I couldn't believe how fancy the restaurant was that we were in. 

"This restuarant is so fancy! I have never seen anything like it!" I said. 

"I wanted to make sure we went somewhere nice for this date!" John said.

"He just wants to look like he has a lot of money." Paul said. 

"Hey, once our band gets big we will have money hopefully!" John said. 

"Your band is the best thing I have heard in a long time!" Sarah said. 

We continued talking about their plans with The Beatles and what they wanted to do. I love music so it was a very interesting conversation. 

We ate our meals and the food was perfect. Then came time for bill and it wasn't so good.

"Shit, Paul do you have money?" John asked. 

"No I thought you were bringing the money." Paul said. 

"So everything is my job now?" John yelled. 

"It's ok, I can just pay for it." I said. 

"No way, you are not paying." John said. 

As I was looking for my wallet in my purse I realized it wasn't there. I must have forgotten it because I was so nervous. 

"Well I guess I can't pay for it anyway because I can't seem to find my wallet." I said.

"I don't have money either." Sarah said. 

"Great what the hell are we supposed to do now!" John yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

"It's ok we will figure something out." I said placing my hand on John's hoping to calm him down.

The waiter came around and he was pretty upset that we didn't have money. John and the waiter started yelling at each other and I stopped the arguing just in time. 

"Look we are really sorry that we don't have money. Is there anyway we could make it up?" I asked the waiter. 

"The only way to make it up is for you all to work in the kitchen until closing time." The waiter said.

"Hell no! I am not working for you!" John said. 

"Then you will have to sort this out with the police." The waiter said. 

"We will work for you!" I said quickly. 

John gave me a look and I could tell he was not happy about this but we had no other choice. 

We were stuck washing dishes for the rest of the night and at first I thought it would be awful especially with John being upset. However, he made it a little bit more entertaining. 

We all started throwing soap at each other and we didn't get much work done. John ran up behind me and grabbed me by the waist with his soapy hands and sneaked me a kiss on the cheek and Sarah had dumped a bucket of water on Paul. I decided to do the same and I dumped a bucket on John. Then he got a bucket himself and dumped it on me. 

Let's just say that no work got done and we made a mess of the place. The waiter was furious with us and he made us clean up the place. 

I wouldn't call it a very nice date, but I guess we made the best of it. After we spent hours cleaning up the restaurant we headed back home. 

John and Paul drove us home and when we arrived at the house John seemed upset about how the date went. 

"Look Anette I am really sorry about tonight. I wanted it to be a nice date and it was ruined." John said. 

"It's ok John, I actually had a lot of fun! Nothing could be more fun than having a soap fight!" I said. 

"I could think of a few things that would be more fun" John said raising his eyebrows and giving me a smirk.

I just smiled at him and rolled my eyes. 

"Let me make it up to you. How about we go on a date next Saturday, just me and you this time?" John asked. 

"That sounds great! Where are we going to go?" I asked. 

"It's a surprise this time! I will pick you up at 5 on Saturday." 

"Ok, I can't wait." I said. 

I gave John a hug and thanked him and as I pulled away from the hug his lips met mine. I was so surprised and it took me awhile to even realize what just happened. He pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes. He had the most beautiful brown eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held my face in his hands. 

I gave him a kiss and it was one of the best kisses I have ever had. The kiss was slow and passionate and as I pulled away I felt that a part of me was gone since his lips were not on mine. 

You probably think I am crazy for saying that (just ignore me) but it was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I don't even know how to explain how beautiful that moment felt. 

We said our goodbyes and all I could think about that night was our next date. After all, who knows what could happen. 

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