Chapter 12: If I Needed Someone

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I decided I was going to head over to Cynthia's house and sort this mess out. I didn't really have a plan on what to say, but I figured I would figure something out before I got there.

Don't get me wrong, she was a very nice girl and I was very lonely...but I just don't think this is a great time to start another relationship. However, I didn't listen to myself.

I pulled in to Cynthia's driveway and I knocked on her door. 

"Hey John! I have missed you! Why did you run off like that?" Cynthia asked. 

"Look..Cynthia..we need to talk." I told her. 

"Alright, well come on in. I will get you some tea."

I walked into her house and sat down in her living room, while she went to get some tea. I had no idea what to tell her and I began to think I was making a fool of myself. 

Cynthia came back in the room with some tea and she asked "So what did you want to talk about?" 

"Well, I made a mistake that one night and I wanted to apologize...Honestly I just don't know what to do anymore." 

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You are a pretty girl and I do like's just I'm not sure if this is a good time, you know? Anette still hasn't woken up yet and my band is about to go on tour." I explained.

"I could always go on tour with you guys!" 

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea...the fans can get pretty crazy." I told her.

"I think I can handle it. I like you too John and I would like to give this a chance, but only if you are ready." 

"I don't know love..." 

"Oh come on John! Just give it a chance!" She told me.

"I guess it can't hurt." 

I thought about all of the things I had been going through lately and I realized that maybe this relationship could be good for me. I was pretty lonely and I would like a girl back in my life. 

I still felt bad for Anette, but I had started to lose hope in the chance of her waking up again. I knew that I still loved her, but I felt I had to move on from that point in my life.


Later that day, I went to the studio to record with the boys. We had been working really hard and I finally thought that our band was going somewhere. We had planned to start a tour in the US during the next couple of months and I was more than excited. 

However, I was nervous about telling the boys about my new relationship with Cynthia and I was nervous on how they would react. 

"Hey boys, how are you doing today?" I asked them as I walked into the studio. 

"Great, are you ready to record this time?" Paul asked me. 

"Yeah I have made some changes to my life and I would like to talk to you guys about them." 

"What kind of changes?" George asked. 

"Well you guys remember that girl Cynthia...I am in a relationship with her now." I told them nervously.

"That's great! I'm sure this will help you and it was a good decision!" Paul said.

"The more girls the better!" George yelled.

"That's good John, good luck!" Ringo said. 

"Thanks now let's get to recording!" I said excitedly. 

A Few Months Later

By this time The Beatles had made it to America! It was very different than England, but I was enjoying it. The fans were a bit overwhelming at times and sometimes hard to handle. There were a few times when the fans almost trampled us, but nothing major happened. 

Cynthia and I were doing pretty well and I was happy with how things were going. She was helping me to forget about Anette and she was great company while on tour. 

However, I did have to watch myself with other fans so I wouldn't get in trouble with Cynthia. Hey, I can't help it, some girls are just really beautiful! 

We were just arriving to America and we were about to go on a show called The Ed Sullivan Show. I was very excited but also very nervous at the same time. Cynthia helped to calm me down and I knew that the other boys were ready.

The fans were screaming like crazy and it was so loud, we could barely hear ourselves play, but we got through it. 

We were all having so much fun on stage and I was looking forward to the rest of our tour in America. 

On the way back to the hotel from the Ed Sullivan Show, a couple fans saw me and Cynthia together and they had some choice words for us.

"Hey, what are you doing with a slut like her? You would be better off with someone like me!" A girl yelled.

"Yeah! Me too! You deserve better!" Another girl yelled.

I could tell that Cynthia was upset, but I warned her about this. The girls started running after us and we had to run as fast as we could to the hotel. 

We finally got to the hotel and we were so out of breath.

"Are you ok love?" I asked Cynthia. 

"I guess..those fans were pretty rude." She said.

"It's ok, don't listen to them. They don't know what they are talking about." I told her. 

We headed up to our hotel room and the first thing I did was throw myself onto the bed. I was exhausted and I was so tired of hearing all those girl screaming.

"You tired love?" Cynthia asked me.

"Yeah I am so tired of hearing those girls screaming." 

As much as I loved all of the girls, they could get quite annoying after a while.

"I don't blame them for screaming. Who wouldn't for a attractive man like yourself?" Cynthia said smiling at me.

"Why aren't you screaming for me then?" I asked her jokingly. 

"Oh are so handsome...I love you so much...will you make love to me?" Cynthia started yelling like one of the fans and being dramatic. 

"Oh dear, now you have gone crazy too." 

"Who wouldn't go crazy over you...anyways I have something to tell you." She said turning more serious.

"What is it love?"

"Well, do you remember that one night a while ago, when we had sex?" She asked.

"No, not really I was too drunk!" I said laughing.

"John, I'm serious..." 

"Oh come on, what is it?" I said.

"I'm pregnant..."

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