Chapter 10: I Need You

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John's POV

The next few days were really rough. I visited Anette in the hospital everyday and I hoped that she would wake up soon. 

I was on my way to the hospital and I heard on the radio "Ask Me Why". I remember when I first sang her that song and what that led too. It lead to the first time we made love. 

I still remember how beautiful she looked and she was so innocent. I feel that I took that away from her. Now she was in a coma and I couldn't do anything about it. 

When I got to the hospital I went straight to the room she was in. The cuts and bruises on her were slowly healing and the nurses told me that she was getting better, but there was still no sign of her coming out of the coma anytime soon. 

I continued to talk to her and tell her how much I loved her. For some reason, I thought this would help for her to come out of the coma but I didn't do much good. 

It helped me to feel better about the situation. Sometimes if I just pretended that this wasn't really happening it made it seem a little bit better. 

I visited her everyday in the hospital and I would go to the park after. I was heading to the park today and for the first time in a while I prayed for Anette to come out of her coma. I was never really that religious but I was desperate now. 

As I pulled into the park I realized that Cynthia was there again. I walked over to her sitting on the bench and I started to talk to her again.

"Hey Cynthia." I said. 

"Hi, how is Anette doing?" She asked. 

"Her cuts and bruises are healing but she still hasn't woken up yet."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Would it help if I visited her?"

"I could meet me there tomorrow. I will be going around 9am." I told her.

"Sure, that works. I want her to wake up just as much as you do."

"I doubt it." I said. 

"I really do John."

I really didn't want her pity. She had no idea how I felt and she didn't even know Anette. I did not understand this at all. Everything seemed so confusing in my life right now. 

"I just don't know about anything anymore. I am so desperate right now. I never tell anybody how I feel and here I am talking to you about my life." I told her. 

"Sometimes it helps to talk about things. I know it always makes me feel better." Cynthia said. 

"Yeah I guess so...well I am going to head home. See you tomorrow." I said.

As I headed home I realized how much my life was changing. The love of my life was in a coma, I was talking to random people on the street, and I didn't know what to do. This was so unlike me and I didn't know what was happening. 

The only thing I knew that was right at this point in my life was music. So I went home and started strumming away on my guitar. 

I figured that if I just focused on my music everything would seem a little bit better. 

Sarah's POV

I still couldn't believe what had happened to Anette. If it wasn't for John Lennon this would have never happened. He was the one that she went out with that night. He was the one who didn't drive her home. He caused all of this.

I would never be able to forgive him so that. I had visited Anette a couple of time in the hospital, but I knew John would be there so I didn't go that often. I went at really strange times to be sure I wouldn't see John there. 

I tried to move on with my life as much as possible to forget about the situation. I mean Anette is my best friend, but spending time worrying about her isn't going to solve anything. 

Paul's POV

I really started to worry about John. It had only been a couple days since Anette was in the accident and he acted like his whole life was falling apart. 

He had started to not show up to practice sessions, he would mess up while playing a lot, and he just wasn't acting himself. 

He was pretty upset about the situation and he was even more upset about how Sarah acted about it. I thought that it was rather low of Sarah to just move on from her best friend. Hell, it had only been a couple days and she didn't even care about her anymore. 

This took a toll on John and he didn't have anything nice to say about her. This was awkward for me because I did like Sarah, but not so much anymore. 

John is my best friend and if something like that ever happened to him I would there with him everyday no matter what. 

I tried to support John through this whole mess but it didn't seemed to be working. I knew he would get through it eventually but I just wanted to do something to fix it. 

John's POV

I feel asleep that night longing for Anette. I wanted to hear her laugh again and see her beautiful smile. I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I loved her.

But I couldn't. She was in a coma. My head was spinning in circles, I felt like my life was going to end,  and the only thing I could think about was Anette...

Boring chapter I know sorry....The next one will be better..let me know how you guys like the story so far :)

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