Chapter 8: Things We Said Today

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Over the next few months I saw John a lot and we began to become madly in love with each other. We would see each other just about everyday and we couldn't get enough of each other.

People always say that once you see someone many times you begin to grow tired of them. Although, I don't understand this because it never happened with John and I. Of course, we had our differences but we never let that get in the way of our relationship.

We have been dating for several months and I never knew that I could fall in love with someone so quickly. Now, you may just think this is puppy love but deep down I am truly in love.

John is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is not only my boyfriend, but my best friend. I never had any luck with friends before so he really means a lot to me. He has supported me through all of the hard times I have been through.

John and I both had many problems with family growing up and it is nice to have someone that has experienced the same problems. Though we have had many fights, we still continue to love each other.


By this time, The Beatles were more popular than ever. They had written many hits songs including the one John wrote for me.

They started to make a lot of money and the media was all over them. This caused some problems in our relationship but we stuck through it.

Tonight all of The Beatles and I are going to go out and celebrate their accomplishments. I was pretty excited for this but I was nervous about what was going to happen. 

We decided we were going to go to a bar (oh what joy). I never really liked going out to bars because bad things just seemed to happen but I was going to give it a chance tonight.

I wanted to wear something sexy for John on his big night. I decided I was going to wear a incredibly short dress which was pretty tight. It was far from comfortable but I wanted to impress John.

I was getting dressed in my room and I realized how skimpy the dress was that I was wearing. I thought of changing into something else but I decided it was alright.

John was already with the boys earlier recording so they drove to the bar earlier, which meant I had to drive myself.

I hated my car because half the time it never worked and it was beyond ugly, but I had no choice but to drive myself.

When I arrived at the bar it wasn't hard to spot out the guys. They were in the corner carrying on and getting pretty drunk. This worried me because I knew how John got when he was drunk.

George was already beyond drunk and he was being the most obnoxious out of the four of them. John was surprisingly not drunk because he said he had some news to tell me so he wanted to be sober.

We spent a couple hours at the bar just having a good time and being pretty crazy. By this time, George was already passed out and Paul was pretty close too.

Things were going pretty well to say the least until some tall, very muscular man started to hit on me.

"Hey love want to show me what you got under that dress?" The man said.

"Leave me alone! I have a boyfriend!" I yelled.

The man grabbed my arm and started to reach up under my dress. I was kicking and screaming at the guy and then John took notice of the situation.

He got up and punched the guy right in the face. I'm pretty sure he broke his nose because there sure was a lot of blood.

John grabbed me and ran outside, while Ringo drove the other boys home. We sat down on a bench across the street and John was very concerned.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" John asked.

"I'm ok, he didn't hurt me." I said fighting back tears.

"I can't believe that guy. He was all over you!" John yelled. "Maybe if you didn't wear such a slutty dress this wouldn't have happened!"

"Great, so now it's my fault?" I yelled, tears running down my face.

"No, love I didn't mean it. I'm just upset that he was all over you. I'm sorry" John said puling me closer to him.

I was crying so much and I was getting John's shirt soaking wet. I felt bad but I couldn't hold back my tears.

"Love, don't cry so much. I don't like to see you so upset." John said.

"I can't stop. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

"It's ok it's not your fault. Look at me."

I had my faced turned away from him because I was crying so much.

"No, I look so gross right now." I said.

John took my face and turned it towards him. I tried pulling away but he didn't let me.

"Anette, I love you. I just couldn't stand some guy treating you like that." John said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too, John."

I had stopped crying and he was just sitting there holding me in his arms.

"Why don't we walk to the park? It's not too far away from here. Let's just get out of here and forget everything." John said.

"That would be nice!" I said.

We walked to the park and once we got there all the old memories came back. The park made me so happy and I forgot about all of the bad things that happened earlier.

We sat in the park for about an hour holding each other just like we did that last time we were there.

"Hey I almost forgot, I had some news to tell you!" John said.

"What is it?" I said excitedly.

"Well, now that I have money I was able to get you a nice gift. I'm getting you a new car, since the one you have is pretty crappy no offense."

"Oh my gosh, no way! John, you shouldn't have!" I said giving him a huge hug.

"Anything for you love." John said giving me a kiss.

I could not believe that he was getting me a car. Cars were so expensive and I felt like I couldn't take his gift but he insisted.

It was getting late so we decided to head back to the bar and drive home.

"I wish I could drive you home because that car isn't very safe." John said.

"It's ok I will have a new car in no time." I said hugging John.

He gave me a kiss and said goodnight and we each got into our own cars.

As I was driving back to me and Sarah's house I couldn't hold in my excitement about getting a new car. I turned up the radio and "Ask Me Why" was on and I started to think about how thankful I was for John.

The last thing I remember was a loud crash and blinding headlights in my eyes...

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