Chapter Four

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"Niall, you didn't." I said.

"Oh yes I did." He said with the biggest grin on his face. "She told me you two were good friends so I told her you'd meet her tonight. You're welcome."

"Shit Niall! Did you even get her name?" I asked him.

He paused and looked as if he were deep in thought. "Of course I did. Her name's Mallory. Wait, no. That's not it. Maybe it was-"

"Valerie" I cut him off. "Her name is Valerie."

"Oh good. You do know her."

I stood to my feet and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Great just great", I muttered under my breath.

"You seem upset." He commented.

I rolled my eyes at him, "No shit Sherlock."

"What? Do you have bad history with her or something?" He asked. "She gave me her number, you know. I could always cancel."

"No it's not that. It's just--wait she gave you her number?"

"Relax. I only asked for you. She's not really my type anyway."

I crossed my arms in disbelief. "Oh really?"

"She's cute and all, but I think she'd look better with you, but that's not the point. The point is you have a date tonight thanks to me." He said proudly.

"First of all, it's not a date. Second of all, if I wanted a date, I'd get one myself." I assured him.

Niall broke out into laughter until he reached the point of tearing up.

I narrowed my eyes at him until he finally realized that this was no laughing matter and his smile faded as he said, "Oh, you were serious."

I rolled my eyes at him as he continued to tease me.

"Harry, you're my best bud and all, but you've got a terrible personality."

"Well if I'm so terrible, why do you stick around?" I questioned him.

I always wondered why Niall didn't mind my pessimistic persona. He was the funny one with that contagious laugh and bubbly personality. What the hell was he doing hanging out with me?

He chuckled and said, "I don't know. I guess we balance each other out."

"I guess you're right." I agreed.

"Anyway back to the date-"

"It's not a date." I cut him off.

"Right" He said with a wink. "Back to the "not a date".

I ran a hand over my face. Niall was my best friend and all, but the man really knew how to irritate the hell out of me.

"Valerie wants to meet you at Central Park at seven." He told me.

"I don't know why you're telling me this. I'm not going."

"Oh c'mon, Harry. Put whatever happened between you and her in the past. She seems like a really cool girl." Niall pushed.

"Then why don't you go out with her?" I suggested.

"She's not my type. We had this conversation already."

"Oh please. Every pretty girl in New York City is your type." I reminded him.

I groaned at the realization of what I just said.

He smirked at me. "So you think she's pretty."

"Don't start." I warned him.

His smile dropped and he grew serious. "Listen, Harry. I know something's up with you and for whatever reason you don't want to tell me."

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