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It's as if every man and woman would be eager to find someone who would wanted to care for their heart, and who also wanted to have a happy endings.

Clearly, some have their own lovestories. It could only lead to two things; either a happy or tragedy life.

If you think you'd be fallen to someone you think is the right one for you, why not try and take some time to prepare. Go to a place where you could think before you give your heart.

But here goes a thing.

What if I ask you... alternatively?

As a woman, what if he leaves you? Lied to you? Or had a sexual attraction with anyone before you know it?

Of course, women has very deep and difficult feelings for every man to understand. Once a man leaves you, you can't take it at first and he ignores you. When the time flies, you are different now and a changed woman that sooner or later you want to show him your better version despite how stupid he is when he left you out of nowhere or worse, he chooses someone but you're still "hotter" than his current; not even a single clue or idea.

But in the end, why does a guy realizes when he left a girl and got dumped into somewhere, he finally wants to get her back and would want to start fresh again like nothing has happened?


It is the same old memories that remains.

Memories will never die. You can't avoid to think of them, even how many times you try to tell yourself to get rid of those stupid flashbacks just won't happen.

Indeed it won't.

Well, If you really loved that person who left you. Right?

You just can't resist it.

The pain.

The tears.


You want to fall again.

Somehow, something just had crossed your mind that you want to get "again" what you truly deserve.

The most painful yet sweetest desire you ever wanted.

It's just a part of a man's stages in life.


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