Old Days, Wasn't It?

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Another conflict was yet untold.

Com to think of it, everyone thought it was peaceful then again at the Land of Fire, but never did anyone know the Uchiha was plotting another war between their rival.

This time, the Uchiha clan being well-known for their visual prowess will use a kunoichi that has an equal strength to a woman who is a member of the Senju.

Later that night, everyone thought it was peaceful. Every member of each clan just do what they currently do like every other day. But do they all thought it is just only that?

A shinobi must never expect anything else as unexpected things may bound to happen.

Every second.

Every minute.

Every hour.

Some clans of the shinobi world were indeed guarding themselves; hearing rumors that the Uchiha and Senju would soon be conflicting another war.

At least they thought it might be safe if they can avoid the war between as safe as possible.

Well, almost...

"Nii-san!" Izuna yelled beneath the shadows in the middle of the forest. He was looking for his older brother, clueless about why did he leave in their clan's demesne like that. Madara turned to look at him over his shoulder. "Why did you leave me like that?" Izuna asked, pouting slightly.

Madara sighed as he simply shrugged, and started walking then again, leaving him behind. He didn't want to be with someone now, Izuna didn't need to tell Madara that. He needed some space, but why?

"Is it Minari, wasn't it?" Izuna asked softly, trying not to make his brother annoyed it was because that Madara left without a word in front of his father and to that new girl, who will fight with them side by side.

And what makes Madara think is that he is barely confused by his thoughts all over.

Madara continued to walk, as he ignored Izuna, who chuckled and ran off to catch up with his brother. "... Or Kira-chan?" He asked, as soon as he was beside his brother. Madara just did a sideway glance, knowing that Izuna really wants to know what the hell is bothering him ever since they got back.

"Yo, nii-san. You have to tell me!"

"Stop bothering me, Izuna. It's annoying."

"I know it is! But at least you have to tell me!"

Madara rolled his eyes as he put his both hands at the sides of his pockets, getting really annoyed by the fact that if he won't tell anything at his stupid younger brother, he'll probably insist Madara himself to talk.

Even so, no matter how much Madara would be annoyed at Izuna a lot of times, he still couldn't leave his younger brother out of danger.

Well, Izuna had been his deputy in his whole damned Shinobi life. He's the one who knows every little "sweet" moments and conversations of Madara and Kaerin after all.

Let's just say he became a lookout for them.

"Well, father demanded me to be with you- erm, in case if... you'll do something stupid again, that is." Izuna said, trying to hide his laugh, but he failed. This made Madara sighed in annoyance; didn't took him long enough to admit if he wished he did not brought Izuna with him after leaving a couple of times at their compound secretively just to see Kaerin 3 years ago.

What's so new when you're in illegal relationships? Seeing together knowing that it isn't good enough for them to deal also because they know their clan was actually rivals since then. (So, we're talking "Romeo and Juliet" stuffs right now, huh?)

Madara crossed his arms. "What I did last time was not stupid, Izuna."

"I know that, nii-san." Izuna smiled at Madara, while he just 'hn'ed. "So, can you tell me now who's bothering you?"


And with that, Izuna anime fall. Madara stopped, awared that they were getting nearer.

Something wasn't right.

He can feel it.

He looked at his surroundings; from the ground up to the dark sky above. The air... the scent... It is easily recognized by him. Starting from when he fought with when he was a kid, was truly his favorite after all. Madara tightened his fists and glared at nothing in particular.

Izuna stood up, guessing what could be his older brother's thoughts by now.

Madara detected a pool of chakra just nearby them.

"This isn't your old friend who sneaked up on us isn't it, nii-san? This is-!"


The two brothers were flabbergasted upon hearing the voice that screamed, followed by a devastating groundshake. Madara and Izuna alerted themselves as they activated their Sharingan to specifically locate the chakra signature.

Izuna widened his eyes after checking the perimeter; awared at the moment about who is the one responsible for that kind of attack. A couple of moments after, the wave below the ground suddenly stopped and they felt the chakra became normal.

"I think..." Madara turned to look at his younger brother, flabbergasted at the moment. The older one crossed his arms, and furrowed his brows, waiting for Izuna to speak up.

Well, he just gave his assuring smile.

Madara couldn't help but to sigh, obviously awared about Izuna's one of a hell crappy thoughts.

"I'll make a pretty good reason when once we get back, so you don't have to worry!" Izuna grinned, making his brother glared in response.

Madara wasn't sure about what will he do, but maybe Izuna was giving him a chance to meet the one he misses the most during his 3 years of hardwork in training at the Land of Wind. Anyway, Izuna knows he took it hard; by the way their old man punished him hard for kinda "disobeying" the rules.

"Fine," The older one said, turning his back at Izuna, who was smirking at him. He may be went to a lot of trouble at keeping his heart all over to one of the members of their clan's rival, but as usual, and a part of that, there'll be always an exception for someone.


Izuna must admit that she was one of his weaknesses. He didn't have to think twice about that.

"Well?" Izuna heard his older brother, starting to get impatient again when he soon started to walk away, leaving him behind.

He sulked. Why would he always do that to me?

"So can you tell me who's bothering you now?" Izuna asked, as he catched up to his older brother. Madara just did a sideway glance at him.



Madara sweatdropped at his brother, who seemed disappointed after he kept firing some questions over and over and yet, he wasn't still answering. "It's not for you to care about what's bothering me... maybe some other time."

"Well, fuck you then!"

Madara sighed, making him close his eyes nonetheless. "Manners, Izuna."


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