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My eyes were staring at his.

My hands were holding his.

My heart is beating slowly.

My body is getting warm.

Every touches that were made left a tingling sensation to every part of my body. Kisses we shared together, everytime I feel like biting my own lips, wondering how soft and passionate it was.

Is this really how people learn to love more?

"If this is what you want, then..."

"T-Then what?"


"I can't do that! This isn't right. I just... I-I just wa-!"

"You and I know that we're in the middle of a war. We can't expect these things to happen. My clan will only hurt you."

As soon as he finished what he said, tears formed in my eyes. Doesn't he think that I'm not an ordinary Kunoichi? Everyone knows his clan is one of a kind.

As well as mine too.

And yet he want me to leave...?

"Don't face me like that, baka." He said when his eyes softened and gave a small smile. I chuckled weakly and sniffed as I hugged him tight. "I shouldn't say this but..."

He cut himself off as he pulled me closer from the hug.

"I love you."

A statement he knows that I'll cry when instead he'll say goodbye. But... where's the "good" in it?

I always get carried away from his simple expressions his giving me.

But all I can deeply say, is I'll miss him.

I will miss him so much just like in every time we departed our ways together.

It will hurt me so much for leaving him just for a while, but when the war's over, he will come back to me.

Will you? Madara?


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