Proceeding Footsteps

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"A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night; that is the moment for a ninja to strike."

"Not bad for a little girl, hmm?"

The stranger said cockily while wiping off the blood from his mouth. Kaerin just watched him from the distance, carefully observing what will be his next move.

The man was already hesitating if he will strike or not. If he does, the sixteen year old girl could've nearly killed her with only one punch. Somehow, a thought crossed his mind; was he played by only a young girl?

"Give me... the scroll." He hissed.

"It's mine."

"Tch! You little wimp! I won't let you get away with this!"

The Kunoichi simply sighed, "Then don't let me get away with this."

The stranger growled in anger. Taking the scroll wouldn't be as easy as he thought all along. Kaerin was carefully watching what will be his next move; and he's sure that he can't get near against her.


Earlier, he was being put under Genjutsu.

Now, Taijutsu?

If he can't steal the scroll that belongs to his clan, there's another way of taking her out; the stranger planned nothing else but only to capture her and bring her to his clan leader just like what his leader told him.

Kaerin might be a woman, but she maybe has a lot of tricks hidden under her sleeves.

What else?

Madara and Izuna already came back. Who knows? It will be a hundred percent sure that they heard and felt the impact of her strength.

After all, everyone will be familiar to her well-known strength.

He felt slight fraustrated at what he had said to the girl he fought. He shouldn't have understimate the girl easily.

The stranger examined her body from head to toe, it was damned obvious she went through a lot of tough battles. Coming through her scars and bruises were visible through his eyes. Her skin isn't as flawless as every girl has of.

Her eyes...

Her attractive, light brown eyes that glows whenever something bright will shine through them.

Her golden brown soft, silky, wavy hair that stops on her waist.

No wonder. He didn't have to think twice about why did Madara chose her...

"Staring at me will lead you to nothing, idiot." Kaerin spoke, shooting a deathglare at the man.

The man ignored him, he still stared, confused about what is he feeling at the moment. It feels like he himself was starting to sink in at her memories.

Still the pain isn't subsiding inside of you, hmm? Kaerin?

"Give it up already." The stranger slowly walked up to her, and he dragged his venomous sword by his side, preparing for another plan of attacking her. Kaerin, on the other hand, tightened her fists, waiting for the perfect time to punch him with all in one shot.

She didn't know what's this guy's capability, so the best thing for her was to counter all his attacks.

Kaerin don't have speed just as her cousin Tobirama, and she's not as strong as Hashirama or Madara, who could've pulled any kind of jutsus and can adjust in different situations at battles.

Little did the both of them know, the two Uchiha brothers were watching them in a short distance, Izuna; who was hiding behind the bushes and beside him was Madara; whose leaning his back against the tree, looking back over his shoulder as his bored eyes were staring at Kaerin's attractive eyes.

She looks more matured than she ever was.

But, it was obvious that something was bothering her...

My sweetest downfall.

"Nii-san! He's making a move!" Izuna whispered, as Madara did a sideway glance before looking back at the fight. "Should we do it now? Or..."

Madara facepalmed at his brother. "Don't get me started, Izuna. It's the reason why we are here in the first place." He said softly, but gave his younger brother a glare.

Izuna scratched the back of his head, "Gomenasai."

Madara sighed, and decided to work on the plan they both planned. Meanwhile, he felt the stranger's chakra becoming wild and heading straight forward at Kaerin, who was standing without doing anything.

"What is she doing?! Nii-san! You're helping her now, right?!" Izuna widened his eyes. This wasn't the part of the plan! Was his older brother going to watch or what?


Izuna stood up and was about to jump out the bushes to help Kaerin but Madara grabbed his wrist, telling his younger brother to calm down but is still looking at the man who was getting nearer at Kaerin.


Madara grabbed one shuriken from his pouch and waiting for an opportunity to strike it at the his target. He let go of Izuna, knowing that it was already his signal.


Kaerin shut her eyes, expecting that it was already the end. His speed was off charts, and by his attack, there's no other way for it to dodge. "I would rather destroy this place and so are you, Tsukira! He will never come back! And don't ever dream about him coming back!"

Kaerin opened her eyes and widened, a tear fell in her left eye. The distance was only 2 meters close and everything happened in a slow motion.

H-He knows about...?

In the blink of an eye, Madara threw his shuriken at the man, who was flabbergasted by the fact that he didn't sensed someone, no, Madara was there watching the whole time.

Too bad, Madara never misses any target.

The shuriken went off at the stranger's right eye and blood went over his face and moved back as he screamed in pain.

Madara took a chance at him as he went his guard off by activating his sharingan and weaved signs, Katon... Gokakyu No Jutsu!

Izuna sprinted fast ahead through Kaerin, as he lifted her bridal style and quickly jumped backwards away from the flames.

The man was burned, and his right eye was brutally hurt. SHIT! I should've sensed that Madara and Izuna were here! I have to es-!

"Say that again, Sarutobi Hime." He hissed, shooting a deathglare at Hime. He's eyes widened. Why does everytime Madara has to be there with Kaerin?

For 3 years passed, he thought it was his opportunity.

Madara growled, as he changed his eye pattern.

Mongekyou Sharingan...



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