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She sat beside the wooden window near her bed, staring at those droplets coming from the rain above. It wasn't that heavy, but the pain she feels on her chest was keeping it worse.

Who knows? She just wondered over that the rain might wash away her feelings for him.

Who knows? She just wondered over that the rain might wash away her feelings for him

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For the past three years, she had not receive anything coming from him, Madara. Not a single appearance of him, and he didn't even showed himself at wars. She was expecting just as someone in his clan would rather call his name.

Just a simple thing like that; the girl never heard of him.

She thought of Madara being dead; like anyone of the Uchiha must've forgotten him.

Or she was just thinking too much?

"Give it a break, Kaerin. You don't have to worry about anything. You're not even the one whose carrying the whole world at your back."

She leaned herself in the window frame and sighed, avoiding herself from crying. She could be worrying about anything, but Madara is more than that.

Madara is "much" everything to her.

If he knew she shouldn't be worrying too much, why would he let her stay like this?

She waited...


And waited for so long...

Is Madara encouraging Kaerin to go in the territory of the Uchiha?

Is that what he wanted?

Several questions gathered her mind, she didn't know what will be the answer.

She can't just quit.

She can't think she was over with him.

Because she knows why he deserves to be with her.

She knows why falling in love with him is in different meaning.

But this ones hard.

Kaerin's slowly losing her mind.

It's not what she expected, she's wishing that it should not turned out like this; Madara will not forget her? Right?

She was getting confused. She ran a hand through her golden hair, she was trying to make herself calm down instead of worrying.

That's what Madara wanted.

She sighed, even though how many times she tried, her heart would still be in pain.

"You're making this hard for me to take, idiot."


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