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"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I just sensed something different."

"Want me to check the perimeter, nii-san?"

"No need. It wasn't some danger I suppose."

"Is it?"

"Is it... what?"

"Kaerin? No?"

The one who has been hiding behind the shadows, listening to those two brother's come back, was saddened. This isn't what that person's expecting. He isn't the Uchiha Madara from three years ago.

Well, guess who?

Just so as I thought my brother would be really this stupid. Sneaking out to the Uchiha brothers all by himself. I can even sense his chakra signature that it wasn't "him". Damn, Hashirama.

The two Uchiha brothers soon went out and ignored "Hashirama's", or should Tobirama says, Kaerin's chakra signature.

Indeed. Senju Tobirama was the younger brother of Hashirama.

He didn't even seemed suprised by his older brother's actions. He just wanted to sneak out and examine his brother; well he has the authority.

And, Hashirama couldn't do anything about it. He'll just listen. Pretty weird, no?

"So you're watching the whole time? You could've helped me. If Madara didn't tell his younger brother not to check the perimeter, I'll be dead and caught cheated." Hashirama said, not looking suprised and it was almost like he knew his brother was there behind him all the time.

His younger brother didn't seemed amused. He is expecting highly at Hashirama everything due to his enormous strength at battle. Well for some like Madara or any of the Uchiha, not that kind of enormous. The only problem Tobirama got was his nii-san's stupidity.

Sheesh -_-'

Tobirama crossed his arms. "How wonderful, nii-san. What do you want for Madara to feel? That Kaerin is looking for him?"

"I was just-"

"I wasn't done talking yet!"

Hashirama pouts and sulks, making his younger brother shook his head and sighed in his daily expression.

"If you think Madara will come back for her then I guess you let her know this herself, not you, pretending that you're Kaerin watching distance away to those Uchiha. Still no matter how strong you are, you don't know what's gotten right through their eyes."

With that, Hashirama seemed down with Tobirama's words. He just couldn't resist for Kaerin. In fact, it was never been good for Kaerin to think and beginning to lose her mind at Madara. Hashirama wants to do something about that.

But he was saddened after from what he saw, and what he heard.

"I was only trying to help Kira-chan. I want her to know if Madara's still coming back for her. It could mean everything to Kira. Just a simple news about Madara that he is still alive, she could be happy. She won't feel bad after three years of wanting her to meet him again."

Tobirama gave him a soft glare, his point was he wanted Kaerin to know it. Hashirama should not care. It's her life. She can deal with it.

"Well, you have a point. And yes, she is our cousin so it's fine that you're concerned. But somehow, you got to stop doing this and better shut your mouth. Kaerin needs to work out on her medical scrolls for the upcoming war and we can't distract her." Tobirama wants to end up their conversation quickly. He doesn't like to hear it. For some reason, Uchiha and Senju aren't allowed to have some relationships.

It would be much worse.

Even if there are no rules made.

Hashirama sighed in defeat, "Fine. Let's leave for a while. But I guess she really needs-"

"Shut it. Everything you heard and everything you want to say, you must leave it here. As in, right here, right now."

Hashirama gave him a simple nod and soon they went out, heading to their territory without saying another word.

It seems that I can't take action.

Once they're back, Hashirama felt slightly disappointed again. He doesn't know if he must tell it, or follow his brother that she should know it by herself.

Right then he was watching Kaerin, who was practicing some medical ninjutsu. He was about to call her name but something suddenly stopped him.

He simply can't tell that Madara was forgetting her.

Hashirama frowned at that thought. His other side was telling him not to think of it. He is mentally fighting not to give in about the thought of forgetting Kaerin.

But... is Madara really?

Considering the fact that once a Uchiha was being attach to a person, they will protect it.

And by loving the person, it was hard to lose.

A Uchiha's love for someone is greatly above all else.

It was something precious that they don't want to hold it back once more.


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