Parted Ways

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A man went through a journey for the time being with his brother for years passing by. Together the both of them are yearning for something greater; to be strong and feared by many.

In the process, they were very competitive to see who becomes stronger. Both of the siblings had a responsibility of keeping each other more skilled, creating a bond that is incomparable to any other. A bond that was created from blood and sweat of their clan. 

A bloodline that keeps them intact in close-relation of each member.

Countless trainings, battles and killings are a part of that process. 

His training; his determination; his concentration; every blood, tears shed and sweat, turned into a fruitful situation.

Activating another level of kekkei genkai made him brutal, giving him an extraordinary strength above all else as if anyone who stands in his way, he can kill without hesitation. However, it looks like he is forgetting something.

But that didn't bother him as long as his father, the leader of their clan, is expecting a "better" version than his previous self. He needs to meet the expectations of his father.

As for him, he prioritizes to concentrate on his clan's current and future objectives. He will become the next clan leader for more years to come. It's his duty to protect his clan and embrace leadership with his passion; to fight and win.

The man suddenly stopped in his track, and looked back over his shoulder.

"Is something wrong, nii-san?" The younger one asked, he wants to know what's bothering with his older brother again. Along with their travel heading back to the Uchiha base, he noticed something's not right with the man. The younger brother tried to ignore despite needing to refocus on their way home to as well bring the gathered information along the way of fighting and traveling.

But then again, obviously, it's not like him.

The man stared before he turned back to look his brother. "Are you alright?"

He closed his eyes and sighed, "Yeah. I just sensed something different." He told his younger brother, who was then looking around the place they'd stopped at. "Want me to check the perimeter, nii-san?"

The man shooked his head, "No need. It wasn't some danger, I suppose."

His younger brother seemed shocked due to his calm reply. Coming through him, his older brother never avoided anyone when he detects any chakra near him.

Could it be?

The man then signaled his younger brother as he started to walk into their territory. The younger one followed the man and quickly looked at him with a pout. He eagerly wanted to know what will be his answer. "Is it...?"

"Is it... What?"

"Kaerin? No?"

The man didn't replied nor gave his younger brother a reaction; he just continued walking, like he did not hear him. This made his younger brother hesitated to ask once more.

Well, is he forgetting her already?


The older one gave him a sigh, he didn't want this topic. Of course, his brother knew it hurts inside of him; by the way their father spoke to him and to her.

He wasn't so sure about the promise he gave to Kaerin.

A guilt feeling crossed him.

Every word he told Kaerin was true. For him, he still needs to prove what he promised and he will say now that he is back. The same thing goes when he fights.

Just a simple word he will say, he'll do it. No more hesitating.

But right now...

He wasn't so sure?

Madara sighed from his thoughts, his younger brother, Izuna was only watching him. Trying to read what are his actions against to the subject who was Kaerin. He knows what is their relationship.

He is Madara's favorite after all.

"Let's move out." Was all Madara said as he started walking. His brother blinked in reply but nonetheless, he soon catch up with his older brother.

Never thought nii-san would eventually act this way about Kaerin. From then on, I thought he couldn't resist her. Is something going on that I didn't know? Or is he slowly changing just because father did not like Kaerin that much?

"Izuna," He nearly jumped after hearing his brother's irritated voice, probably getting impatient after walking up too slow, or he just didn't heard what his nii-san's words while thinking too much about stuffs.

"S-Sorry, nii-san." He quickly apologized while scratching the back of his head. Madara simply shook his head and gave him a sigh.


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