Far Beneath

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It has been a long time since each and every member of the Uchiha are aware of two brother's arrival. 

After three years of vigorous trainings, killings, and non-stop fighting, everyone seemed to expect how strong they have become and what they attained along the way of fighting. Their arrival is long-awaited by the elders of the clan as they need to assess the strength and power acquired once performed in a war not too soon.

Little did they know, someone is also waiting among the two Uchiha brothers.

It was a girl.

In the late night, Madara went at the forest where he decided he needs some space after everyone in his clan bombarded him with questions, compliments and other stuffs about him and his brother's arrival that just made him irritated. He did not like to be asked and talk so much about it, it did not matter anyway.

Another thing that led him alone is the thought of having someone introduced by his father was speaking of. Madara find the girl attractive, matured and a strong kunoichi based on her chakra level. Speaking of first impression, he did not mind it that much too but what made him wonder is that why his old man has to get another kunoichi when they don't even need one?

Okanai Kamisato...

Even her surname was different. For all the wars he fought and battled with; never did he heard that kind of surname. Just what and who is she then?

The breeze started to get stronger and this disrupted his thoughts, deciding to let himself take a break somewhere he used to stay at peace.

It is a sacred place where Madara can do his own free will; a place where it is hard to find... and a place he once brought the only girl he kept to himself until then.

Of course, Madara would not forget how Hashirama created all of this idiotic plans and wishes they shared both. After all, he is one among few of the people who understands Madara well.

And Kaerin...

Kaerin was one of his "ideal" girl to keep.


Is it really ideal? 

If I were to ask you, why can't he just make it a reality? Didn't he hated people that were being too idealistic?

His relationship with Kaerin already proves reality over ideal. But as years passed, the girl to him just seemed to be an ideal, as if he could not approach Kaerin once more.


What's keeping him this way?

Is it his father?

Or... is it the Senju and Uchiha's unending rivalry?

He never thought about meeting girls actually while he was at the Land of Wind. He's not into cheating and it was clear to every kunoichi and shinobi that they are attractive yet dangerous.

They were highly indifferent to every clan.

Madara is envied by many shinobi just as his age, while most kunoichi are desperate at trying to chase as much as they want him. Whenever they encounter him in different places as a stranger, these girls would come near him asking his name.

Some of them are trying to be strong just to catch his attention, but knowing Madara he disgust weak people and would set his standard high to those he encounters. He does not like a shinobi if he or she can never keep up with him.

Luckily, there's this one kunoichi that caught his heart. 

Truth to be told, even though that certain someone belonged to clan they hated

But there was that one guy, who eventually girls tried to chase as much as they want him. Whenever he was at war, every kunoichi would come near him asking his name. (Really?)

Trying to be strong just to catch his attention.

Madara always expects high to everyone. He doesn't like a shinobi if a person can never keep up with him.

But luckily, there's one girl who caught his heart for the past few years.

Truth to be told, Madara went serious about falling in love with this woman.

Every Kunoichi was jealous because of how lucky this girl was been. Madara has only one word that he describes her.

S i m p l e.


The girl that Madara once stunned into her enormous strength was every Kunoichi's dreamed of.

He sighed at that thought and ran a hand through his soft, silky hair. He wondered when will he meet her again?

Madara imagined her younger face and the last time she cried.

What does she looked like right now?

Is she still waiting for him?

Honestly, he still can't talk about her anytime around. Every Uchiha clan member knows that he will become the next leader, so at the time being, he cannot be distracted.

So I take her as my downfall then?

My own distraction?

My weakness?

Madara closed his fists as he activated his Sharingan. He was still thinking about her for all these years, even though he got hurt and punished by his father.

Even though... he was sent away by his father just to focus on his training.

That old man really wants to remove her inside his mind.

Because Madara's father knows that he DID NOT deserve the girl he fell into.

A rivalry between their clan doesn't have the possibility to fight for his love for her. Nonetheless, he soon thought that it's better this way, this kind of situation, that he is far beneath from her now.

It's better that she would be only his "ideal" girl.

With that, Madara's clan would never hurt her, and by his love, a sudden two painful words went through his mind that might hurt her emotion.

"Let go"

Well, what other choices could it be? If someone kept bothering their own decision and from what path they wanted to?

What else?

Madara didn't know.

It simply tells by the way he does want to let go it's because someone sparks again his interest.

It would really become the possibility if he wants another one -_-

Madara simply controlled himself to stop all his thoughts about this thing again, as he kept walking in just a few kilometers, putting his way through his secret place.

Anyway, it would only lead to nothing if he kept dragging this too much.

Not when Madara just got back in his own clan.

Not when...

He knows he was being followed earlier by that well-known chakra, he once felt when he figured out that it wasn't just Kaerin.

"Hn. That damned Hashirama..."


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