Chapter 2

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We got to school and as a normal new school year will have it, students are pouring into the school. I smiled to myself thinking that now the school population has increased so Melody will have someone else to pick on and she'll probably spare me. Little did I know she was actually never going to leave me alone. Ever since I mistakenly hit and killed her cat,Mr Purry, with my bike, she swore to make my life miserable.
I got out of the car and I went to the back of the car to grab my skates. I had an extra one in Skittles' car. I always tell her to drop me a few blocks away from school. My own reasons. I hopped on my skate as I made my way to school. Suddenly, I felt myself hit something which sent me flying in the air and landing on my shoulder. I was a pro at skating. What caused this sudden fall? I looked up and saw Melody standing above me. The bitch stuck her foot out and made me fall.

"Hello Aria. How was your summer? Mine was absolutely wonderful!" She said in an over entustiastic voice. Her minions who were always with her laughed as if on cue. Then she came closer to me and whispered in my ear in an evil tone "this is the beginning of another miserable year for you". Then she backed away with her evil smile. God I hate that bitch. I got up and walked into school filled with humiliation. It didn't really bother me because I'm already used to it.

"Hey Aria!" Called George as he ran up to catch up with me. George was the first friend I made when I came to Riverton High.

"Hey George" I replied sadly

"I saw what happened out there. Forget her okay? She's a two faced bitch" he said and whispered the last part. He stood beside me with his hands behind him. Weird.. he never does that. He's too busy flexing his muscles

I laughed. He always had a way of making me smile when I'm sad.

"So you wanna come over and have a sleepover?" He asked

"Oooo sleepover!!! Yes yes yes!!!" exclaimed Skittles. She came up to us as he was asking the question.

"Sorry guys, I can't" I said while closing my locker. "Penny's bachelorette party is tonight and we're going to Vegas" Her fiancée, Peter, was also having his own bachelor night out in Vegas too. The same building but different halls.

"OMG! Vegas?! Seriously?! You lucky girl!" Said Skittles. She's always wanted to go to Vegas.

" Its not like something important or life changing is gonna happen anyway so im not excited" I told them. As soon as those words left my mouth, my face was smouldered with a plate of pie. I was in shock! Then I heard it..

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIA!!!!!!" yelled Skittles and George

Awww they remembered. I'm 18!

"Thank you so much guys!" Then an evil plan popped in my head. I quickly grabbed them both and hugged them. Smearing some of the pie on them. "Ha! Now we're all covered in pie"

Then I left them there, whining, and headed off to class.

School ended and I didn't bother looking for Skittles after what I did to her this morning. I knew she would still get me back sooner or later. I decided to stick with later. I began rushing and started making my way to the school gate when I hit the schools bad boy, Raphael James. Oh no! Wide-eyed, I just looked at him and sped off on my skates.
As soon as I got home, I checked the time. It was 3:45 and we're supposed to leave by four. So I raced upstairs, had my bath, got rid of my baggy clothes and wore my white skinny jeans with a sparkly top. We're going to Vegas after all.

Raphael's POV
First day of school was whack so I decided to leave early. Not only that, but my brothers best friend was getting married too so I had to go do some stuff and make sure his bachelor party went well. I was already by the school gate when something hit me. At first, I thought it was a hobo, seeing the way she was dressed, but looking closer, it was actually the girl from my chemistry class. I always thought she was shabby. Looking closer at her now, she was actually really pretty. With her hazel brown eyes, full plump lips, straight nose, and her hair looked silky. If only she would run a comb through it. Her skin also looked flawless. I bet it's just as soft. I didn't have enough time to look at her because she left just as soon as she stopped. If only she stayed longer.. Wait what am I saying? This girl has no manners. She hit me and didn't even apologize. She just left. How rude! I take back what I said about her. She lacks manners. I'm not gonna waste my time thinking about this mannerless girl. I have an event to attend. With that, I got into my sports car and zoomed off.

Five hours later
We arrived at Vegas by 8 and now, Penny's bachelorette party was in full swing. Male strippers were dancing on poles and two of them were dancing on Penny. Ew! One of them came up to me asking me to dance. This is why I don't dress up. If I was in my baggy clothes they won't even look at me. But nooo i put on clothes that clung to my body, revealing the curves. And I even went along and added makeup and curled my hair. Then i saw a sign that said "lollipops". I excused myself and ran to the lollipop corner. Atleast I can have something normal. On getting there, I saw that the lollipops were not what I was expecting. They were actually lollipops but they were shaped like 'Lollipops'(if you know what I mean). I don't think I'm gonna look at any lollipop the same way again. Then there was music. And it was blaring so much, I could barely hear myself think.

"Oh cone on Aria! You're isolating your self while everyone is having fuuuuuunnnn!" Slurred Diana, one of Penny's bridesmaids. She was clearly drunk. "Have some fun honey."

"Here" she passed me a glass of vodka "Drink" she ordered. I tried refusing but she wouldn't listen. I just gathered my courage and chugged it.

"There. See? Its not that baaaaadddd" then she left me and continued dancing and grinding one of the strippers. Disgusting!

I started to feel dizzy and I decided to go upstairs and sleep in one of the rooms. I didn't want to do something I'll regret later on when I'm sober. So I got up and with more than enough stumbles, I made it to the door. Then i saw a figure stumbling as well. I giggled at the figure and i think i saw it smile at me too. I opened the door and made my way to the bed. Then I heard the door shut but I was too lazy to move. And then... I slept!

Raphael's POV

The party was going well till I had 6shots of tequila back to back. This party was wild! I couldn't stay any longer and I couldn't leave also. So I decided to get some air. On second thought, I should just get some sleep. I walked up the stairs, managing to compose myself and then I saw a beauty. She was clearly drunk and the way she walked, the way she swayed her hips from side to side... Damn! Vegas is heaven. She giggled at me and I smiled at her. Then she entered a room and I thought it was an invite so I followed suit. As soon as I entered, she was sleeping already. I realized she just forgot to shut the door but I didn't want to leave so I took off her shoes for her and crawled into bed next to her and layer down beside her. She turned around and put her hand on my chest. I felt a spark immediately she touched me but I couldn't take advantage of her. Not in her condition. So I controlled myself and did nothing but sleep.

Okay guys.. This one is a tad longer. Aria dressed up and Raphael didn't recognise her from school. Woah! Drunk much? Anyways please vote and tell me what you think of this chapter. Ciao!

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