Chapter 15

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Still Raph's POV

I couldn't speak.

Even when we came back downstairs and we were gathered back in the living room, I was silent. More like mute. Even when Aria asked if I was okay, I would simply nod my head. I failed her. She didn't deserve it. I couldn't look at her in the eye without feeling like the worst person ever.

Even though the kiss was nothing and I felt nothing, I still felt horrible. Suddenly, Aria got up...

"Who wants coffee?" She asked. She knew I loved coffee and she thought it would make me feel better even if I didn't feel like talking. That was also when I noticed it was raining outside. Everyone wanted coffee so she went into the kitchen to make some.

"You needed to see the look on her face, dude! Priceless!!!" Jayven burst out laughing as soon as she entered the kitchen.

"I know right! She was like 'aaaaaah'" Evan added, mimicking her voice in a high-pitched tone, totally getting her voice. Evan and Aria grew to be close and I didn't like their closeness. Even though she says he gets on her last nerve, he annoys her, he irritates her, I don't believe she is saying the truth. Her cheeks get rosy when he's around and she's always extra happy to see him. She's mine! MINE! No one else's. He shouldn't even look at her. But who am I to speak? The world's greatest hypocrite.

The noise they were making, brought her out of the kitchen. As soon as she appeared, they all kept quiet. It was like someone pressed the mute or pause button on them because they kept quiet exactly the same time. I didn't want it to seem to obvious so I spoke "is the coffee ready?"

"Almost" she replied

"Okay then, I'll go get the cups ready" I said, hurriedly, as I got up

"Want me to come with you?" She asked, holding my hand

"Nah, I got it" I said as I scrambled into the kitchen.

I can't keep escaping forever.

"You can't keep escaping forever" said the familiar voice. I turned my head and saw Danielle. I don't call her Skittles, only Aria does. She was leaning against the door frame, her hands folded on her chest and her shaped brows were turned down in a frown. "You've been acting strange since you came back downstairs and I'm not going anywhere till you tell me what's going on"

I knew she was serious and I had no choice but to tell her. I had to tell someone.

"I screwed up" I said

"How so?" She asked, confused

I rubbed my face with my hands and told her the whole story.

"YOU KISSED MAYA???" She screeched. I rushed to her and covered her mouth with my hand and looked out the door. I really hope nobody heard her. She was mumbling against my palm and knowing Danielle, I'm sure she was mumbling curse words. When I was sure no one was coming, I released her.

"--for nothing bitch! She's a walking corpse till I lay my hands on her" she finished, fuming

"Calm down, Danielle" I told her

"Oh I'm calm. Its just Aria I'm worried about. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know" I said, frustrated with myself

"You know you have to tell her. She's going to find out one way or another if you don't" she told me as she walked over to the fridge.

She's right. I should tell her.

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