Chapter 4

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Picture of Aria's ring on the side. Love you guys!!!


"Okay let's just calm down. I have a solution to this. After your sisters wedding, you'll come over to my house and we'll get this over with. I think I know what to do" Raphael said to me

"Are you sure about it?" I asked, unsure

"You got another idea?" He said, already getting annoyed

I simply looked down and he took my silence as a no. Then he leaned down and put something in my hand. Looking down, it was my wedding ring. Oh God.. My wedding ring. This is so weird.

"You better take care of it. If I really did buy it, then it must have cost me a fortune" he handed it to me and I took it.

Then I got up saying I had to go get ready for the pre-wedding party. Yes Penny wanted something different. I wouldn't call that different, I'll call it insane. Who has a wedding twice?! Pre-wedding and then a real wedding... Sheesh!

"I'll message you my address" he said as I left the room with my clothes in his hand and still wearing his shirt. I thought I'll escape without anyone seeing me like this but as I got to the elevator, some maids were in there. They looked at me like it was nothing and I forced a smile. Is it normal for a girl to walk down the halls wearing just a guys shirt? Well hey! Its Vegas.. Everything happens in Vegas.

I got to our room and woke everyone up because we were already running late. We still had to go get our nails done, our hair and makeup. Penny woke up grudgingly but then it clicked..

"I'm getting married today!!!!!" She squealed

"No Penny. You're not. This is a lame 'pre-wedding party' that doesn't make sense. You're getting married in 2mths" I told her in a bored tone

"Look Aria, I don't expect you to be happy for me okay? But could you at least pretend to be? Please. This is an important day for me" she pleaded with me

Hello? This isn't your real wedding! But whatever


"Thank you" she sighed in relief. "Okay girls hurry!!! We don't have much time!!!"

"Oh Penny!!! You're getting married!!!" My mum screamed as she barged into the room

"Oh mum" Penny hugged her and they both started crying

"Yaaaay! You're getting hitched!" I fake-squealed while rolling my eyes

Mum just shook her head at me and hurried us up then we left to go get ready.

The party was actually really good. Lots of food, drinks and music. Peter surprised her by inviting Maroon 5 to come perform and as you could guess, 'sugar' was performed. The whole crowd went wild! It was really beautiful. This was how I planned my own wedding to be and not in some Vegas hotel room and drunk.

I decided to go sit down and later, I was joined by Diana. You this witch! You ruined my life!!! I gritted my teeth at her while thinking of how to end her life

"Hey Aria! This is weird. We went to bed without you last night and we woke up with you this morning. Hmmm tell me. Did little miss boring go on an adventure?"

Ha! I guess I'm Mrs Boring now

"No I didn't" I answered plainly

"Oh come on! Just tell me what happ..." And then I cut her short

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