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-April's POV-

*1 year later *

- theblondeapril26-

-love him c: -

"Josh?" I asked.

"Yeah" he giggled.

"Since when did I say that I love you?" I asked and showed him the caption to the photo he had posted on my account.

"You haven't said it, but I know that you do love me" he smirked and kicked my leg as he sprawled out across my bed and almost shoved me off about 6 times.

His arm was wrapped around me which secured me and prevented me from falling. He held me close to him and he kept smiling and laughing to himself.

I smiled to myself and rested my head on his shoulder whilst taking a snapchat of the two of us cuddling and I sent it to Liv since she knew about my crush on Josh.

He seemed pretty comfortable. He adjusted his arms again so that I ended up being even closer to him. Our legs ended up tangling themselves together and I could feel his breath against my neck.

I shuffled around a little bit so that I was a little bit further down so that I could rest my head on his chest comfortably. My heart pounded when I listened to his heart and heard that it was beating very quickly. He rested his chin on the top of my head and continued to cuddle me.

"Your chest is really comfortable" I chuckled.

"I've been told" he snorted.

I rolled my eyes and smiled into his chest.

"I like cuddles now" he chuckled.

"Same" I whispered.

"Do you love me then?" He asked making my heart stop for a few seconds.

"Um, sure?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, well I love you April" he muttered and kissed the top of my head.


Okay, I love this chapter because its really cute and everything except from the first and last few sentences actually happened to me and it makes me so happy thinking about it. Asdfghjkl!!

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