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-Michael's POV-

Three loud knocks echoed around the hallway. As I got up, I sighed and paused my re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. I placed the clear bowl, that contained popcorn, down onto the wooden coffee table and I quickly approached the door.

"Hel-" I cut myself off as I stared down at the shorter girl, her hair was in knots and her pale cheeks were covered in her mascara.

"April? Are you alright? It's so good to see you by the way. I would have preferred it if you were smiling" I joked and nudged her arm to see if I could manage to force a small smile to appear onto her face.

I noticed that even my playful behaviour wasn't helping, she wasn't happy. I've only ever seen her like this once before and this was when she was cheated on by Ben. For some reason I'm getting the feeling that whatever has happened has hurt her even more.

"Come in" I almost whispered.

I was almost speechless as I watched her take a long breath before stepping inside, she dragged her feet along the carpet and fell down onto the couch where I was previously sitting. I didn't mind though, she was one of my closest friends and she clearly needs somebody right now.

"Do you want me to call Cal to come over?" I asked.

The reaction that I received was not what I expected. She let a loud sob escape her lips and her head fell down into her hands. I watched her shoulders begin to shake and I finally caught on. She must have had an argument with Calum about something.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked quietly and lifted her legs up so that I could sit down beside her.

She sat up and nodded. She wiped her eyes and brushed a few strands of her blonde hair out of her face before letting out a sigh.

"Calum has gotten back together with Ariana" She mumbled.

"so?" I asked in confusion.

My eyes widened as I watched her clench her fists, her knuckles became very white and she looked almost angry.

"Why does nobody else see the problem? Ariana cheated on Calum with my boyfriend. I thought that he would be smart enough to never go back to someone who hurt him and his best friend at the same time but I guess I was wrong, wasn't I?" April groaned and tugged on the roots of her hair.

"I know that but that was like three years ago" I mumbled and scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"You don't get it do you?" she asked rhetorically.

"Calum got back with someone who cheated once and is obviously going to do it again. Calum has a girlfriend, I'm nothing to him. We had a massive argument about this and I told him that I'm done with him but that was a complete lie- I love him Michael. I have for a while but I never said anything because he always like someone else, w-who isn't me" She whispered the last part and began to cry again.

"You love Calum?" I asked in surprise.

April nodded in response and let out a shaky breath and quickly followed it with a bitter laugh and another shake of her head.

"I'm just stupid aren't I? I have no shot with someone like him. I'm not good enough to be with Calum Hood" She cried.

For the rest of the night, I comforted her and tried my best to cheer her up. Calum would be overjoyed if I could tell him but I can't obviously since it isn't my secret to tell anyone. I'm glad that she trusts me enough to tell me something like that.

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