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-April's POV-

"Morning sweetheart" Mum mumbled before she kissed my cheek and stumbled over to the stove and began to cook herself some breakfast.

I scrolled through my recent text messages with Calum, as each message was sent, they gradually became angrier. We continued to argue for hours, I barely got any sleep last night due to the constant crying and the anger that I was feeling.

I was happy for him, I truly was. I just would have preferred it if he had told me sooner rather than later. Mali had messaged me a couple of times asking what had happened, so Calum had obviously told her that we had fallen out.

"Shut up" Liv laughed as she walked through the doorway with Cameron close behind her.

"Hey April, how's Cal?" Liv asked as she took a seat beside me.

Liv had been asked to move in with us to keep Cameron company and also because she had fallen out with her parents and unfortunately they had kicked her out of her own home where she grew up as a child.

"Why should I care?" I spat.

"Woah, April? Why are you in such a sour attitude?" Mum asked.

"Calum's a prick" I mumbled.

"I'm sure that you don't mean that sweetie, you've been best friends ever since you were little. You have never thought badly of him"

"Yeah, you should be happy for him! He's going on tour, to travel the world and meet new people. And he's also following his dream!" Cameron added.

"I- I don't want him to meet new people" I muttered lowly and felt tears stinging my eyes.

They all gave me confused glances and the room became silent once more. I stared at all of them for an equal amount of time and looked down at my lap afterwards, I shrugged my shoulders and began to cry.

"Oh, April" Liv gasped and she had obviously caught on to what I was thinking.


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