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-Calum's POV-

Mum said I should be happy, said I should be excited to follow my dream, to tour the world and allow millions of people worldwide to listen to our own music which we had taken so long to write. I was happy, until I couldn't see a specific face in the small crowd.

I said my multiple goodbye's to my family and friends who had travelled to my house to wish me luck and to say goodbye since I won't see them for almost a year. Everyone except April had shown up to say goodbye. Although she was mad at me, I would have hoped that she would have wanted to see me one last time.

Mali and my mum had already climbed into the car which would be taking me to the airport to meet the rest of the band. I placed my suitcases into the back of the car and got into the back seat. As the car started, I waved goodbye to everyone and stared at my house for a few moments until I could no longer see it.

"Come on Cal, cheer up!" Mali encouraged and nudged my elbow.

"I can't believe she didn't say goodbye" I whispered and felt myself tearing up.

Usually, she would text me as soon as she woke up and within a few minutes she would be here, sitting beside me in the car, holding me tightly. That didn't happen.


"Cal, maybe it wasn't meant to be mate" Ashton mumbled sympathetically and patted my back.

"I- I don't understand. Why didn't she say goodbye?" I asked him whilst searching his eyes for the answer.

He simply shrugged his shoulders and a sad smile tugged on his lips as he tried to reassure me that everything would be okay. Honestly, I wasn't so sure..

I stared at the screen that was closest to us and read that our flight was due in about 10 minutes. I sighed and shook my head as I stared at the ground. April wouldn't get here in time, since there was a lot of traffic. She probably wasn't even planning on coming..


"Flight 1738 will be departing soon, please head towards the gate." A male voice sounded through the speakers.

We all said our teary goodbye's to our families and began to walk towards the queue of people waiting to board the plane. I hated seeing my family upset, it was the worst feeling in the world knowing that I'm the cause of it.

I opened up my passport since we were getting closer to the front of the queue. I sighed and gave Luke a sad smile which he returned before ruffling my hair which forced a low growl to escape from my plump lips.

"Wait! Cal-" My head turned quickly and the girl I had been dying to see came rushing towards me.

"April? What are you doing here?" I asked whilst hugging her tightly.

"I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye. I'm so sorry Cal, I don't want to get in the way of your dreams, or the band for that matter. Good luck, I'll see you soon okay?" I nodded and she kissed my cheek.

"I'll message you when I land, see you soon" I replied before getting my passport checked.

As I sat on the plane, I leant my head against the window and smiled to myself. Satisfied that April Edwards didn't hate me.

Vapor; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now