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-April's POV-

"No go away!" I squealed and rushed away from my boyfriend.

I heard his laughter getting louder so I picked up the pace and rushed around the trees and almost tripped a few times. I turned my head and saw his tall frame heading towards me.

Smirking, I decided to hide in some of the bushes so that I could scare him when he goes past. Luckily, I was so far ahead that I had enough time to climb into the bushes without him spotting me.

We had just finished a long and exhausting day at school filled with mock examinations and lots of stress. He was attempting to take a selfie with me but I refused and this is why I was running from him.

We were letting the stress leave our bodies, well atleast I was. I was able to be myself around him and I loved it. He didn't care how I looked or what I smelt like. He loved me for me, not for my appearance.

"April?" Ben called.

After a few more shouts of my name I watched him slowly walk past me, carefully scanning the area. He looked so lost.

I pulled out my phone and began recording. I popped up behind him from one of the bushes and yelled into his ear. He let a high pitched shriek escape his lips. He stepped back and spun around, his eyes were wide and he looked terrified.

After I finished laughing and teasing him, I finished the recording and put my phone into my back pocket. I placed my hands on his chest and stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips.

"Sorry" I pouted.

He nodded and kissed my forehead. He wrapped his arm around me and we walked out of the woods and began walking down the street to get back to my house.

He held his phone up and pulled a cheesy grin whilst I pulled a strange face and held my hands up in an attempt to cover my face but he had already taken the photo.

"I win" he winked and kissed my temple.

I rolled my eyes and intertwined my fingers with his, occasionally swinging our hands back and forth whilst we slowly walked home.


Idek what this chapter was.

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