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-Luke's POV-

"Calum these lyrics are amazing" I mumbled as I kept re-reading over the words that he had written down in his scruffy handwriting.

"I want to breathe you in like your vapor. I want to be the one you remember, I want to feel your love like the weather, All over me, all over me. I want to print our hands in the pavement, Savour your words, I won't ever waste them." Calum sang as he played a few chords on the acoustic guitar.

"That sounds good, where did you get your inspiration?" Michael asked.

"Well, let's just say.. I realised something" he smirked.

"What? That Ariana cheated on you?" Ashton added as he entered the room holding a coffee cup in his large hands.

"Too soon man"

Ashton snorted and sat down on the chair beside me and peered over my shoulder at the lyrics that Calum had written.

"Its definitely about April" Ashton mumbled.

Michael and I gasped as we fell into realisation. If we had read between the lines we would have noticed Calum's affection towards a certain someone.

"You really love her, don't you?" Michael asked softly.

Calum sighed before nodding and running his fingers through his disheveled hair. He rested his head on the curve of the acoustic guitar and sighed once again.

"How long have I been noticeably in love with her?" He asked quietly.

"Oh god, that takes me back" I smirked and folded my arms.

"Wasn't it when we first met her? Actually, I picked up on Calum seeming lost when she moved away. I'm guessing that was when your crush was developing. Am I correct?" I asked him.

"Possibly" he whispered.

Ashton laughed and sipped his coffee. I smiled at Calum reassuringly and he responded with a very weak smile. Michael had pulled out his phone and was dialling the pizza company.

"You need to tell her Cal" Michael muttered as he hung up the phone after ordering.

"I know, I just don't know how"

Vapor; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now