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I woke up in a large bed feeling a bit exhausted from what they gave me, I looked around and saw my jacket at the end of the bed and my boots on the floor, I looked inside my boots and noticed my knives were still there.

I always have two knives for, protection lets just say and I would say shoes instead of boots sometimes, hey it's still the same, anyway,
I put my shoes and jacket on with my fingerless gloves as well, and I put my hood up like I always do, the only thing I was missing was my skateboard, im not going downstairs or anything but that doesn't matter, what matters is BuBa.

"BuBa?" I said using my mind.

"Victoria!" BuBa replied back.

"where are you?" I asked.

"im in a bedroom upstairs, I think im next to you" he answered.

"okay, im coming to get you" and after I said that I unlinked him and went to look for him.

I opened the quitely so no one could hear, I went to the room on my left and when I opened the door BuBa was there. I grabbed BuBa by his collar and brought him into my room.

"BuBa!" I whispered with excitement and hugged him. I opened the window and climbed outside with BuBa following.

"okay BuBa ready!" I said using my mind.

"ready" he replied back.

As we said that we jumped, I landed on my feet with one hand placed firmly on the ground, when BuBa landed we ran as fast as we could, I would say I run like a wolf because BuBa was at my pace, so yeah.

We were only a few metres from entering the forest until a black wolf came from behind us and appeared in front of us, I didn't show any fear and when I looked behind us and the 3 guys that drugged and kidnapped us were walking towards us.

I sighed quietly in anger a bit and started walking back to the house with BuBa and them following behind us. We got back to the house and I sat down on the chair/sofa or whatever with my arms crossed and BuBa sat next to me to the left side, but he sat on floor though.

A ginger guy sat next to me, he looked really cute, wait why did I say that, but he did look really cute though, especially when he looked annoyed. I saw my skateboard on the couch and just stared at it, ginger noticed me staring at it so he decided to speak.

"hello, im Jerome, you're probably feeling angry at me but I had no choice" Jerome said trying to make me look at him.

"everyone has a choice" I whispered very quietly so that he didn't hear me but I could tell he looked confused.

"about the wolf you saw, that was me, I didn't want you getting away since your my mate" Jerome said but I kept quiet.

When he said 'mate' I looked at him for a few seconds then at BuBa, feeling kinda sorry.

"I thought this mate thing never existed" I had mind linked to BuBa.

"so did I, I guess it actually exists" BuBa replied.

Jerome put my hood down then placed his hand on my shoulder, so I stood up grabbed my skateboard and went outside in garden with BuBa, I spotted a skate park to the right and went over there, as I got there with BuBa and I put my skateboard in my skateboard holder and ran up the skate park so I could think to myself, BuBa came up with me and placed his head on my leg.

I leaned back against the wall and thought about stuff, in the corner of my eye I saw Jerome walking towards me so I kept looking at the forest remembering the old times.

Me, BuBa, Delilah and Ruby running in forest when we were 10 years old, having a wonderful time, oh BuBa and Ruby are brothers and sisters but BuBa is a year older than her, BuBa has white fur with a pint of grey in some places and Ruby also has white fur but with a red tail.

Anyway back to reality, Jerome was still standing there, waiting for me to come back down but then he started getting a bit worried and he looked around the forest.

"we need to back inside now!" he started getting angry.

"there are rogues out here and there dangerous" he said looking kinda scared.

"I dont want you getting hurt, so please can you come with me" he said looking sad.

I couldn't ignore that adorable face, I sighed and climbed down and we went in the house with BuBa on our tail, we entered the house and me and BuBa went back into the living room.

"well who do we have here, Jerome" some guy said behind me.

I turned around and saw 3 guys standing there, they were the ones who helped Jerome kidnap me and BuBa.

BuBa started growling at them, "BuBa quiet down" I mind linked to him and he calmed down and sat down.

"this is, my mate, I dont know what her name is yet, and she still is mad" Jerome said smiling.

"well im Klaus, and these are my brothers, Elijah in the suit and the other one is Kol" Klaus said.

They both said hello and Kol said, "so are you gonna tell us your name then" he asked.

"why should I" I finally spoke, not speaking is very boring.

"so then we can learn something about you" Elijah spoke.

"are you gonna tell us or not?" Jerome said looking a bit impatient.

"NO, you drugged and kidnapped us and now your sorry and you want us to be friends is that it!" I shouted at Jerome while standing up.

He stood up and looked kinda sad and angry at the same time, "I did it because I had no choice!" he kinda shouted.

"everybody has a choice, including you" I said calming down and feeling sad at the same time.

"that's what you said earlier wasn't it" he said looking sad at me.

"yes I did say that but you dont care" I was about to walk of until he grabbed my arm and that's when I felt sparks shooting my heart.

My eyes widened feeling the sparks when he touched me, "you feel them too dont you?" Jerome questioned.

I nodded in response, "sparks" I said and Jerome nodded for response.

"listen im sorry I kidnapped you, but it would kill me to not know your name" Jerome pleaded. His eyes were like puppy eyes begging for a home, I couldn't be mean to him now after what he had just said.

I thought for a moment and It too was killing me not to say my name, so I got it done and over, I wasn't gonna just say Victoria so I said it in Spanish instead "me llamo Victoria" which means my name is Victoria.

Jerome looked confused but then he chuckled and I guess that meant he knew what I talking about, I decided to go upstairs into the room I was previously in also taking BuBa with me and decided to have an early nap.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please comment and let me know what you think about the book and please vote, and I'll upload the next chapter soon thank you.

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