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It was now morning, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and the wolves were howling, 'wait wolves, okay that's weird?'.

Jerome had arms wrapped round me, I couldn't break free so I turned to face him and started poking his nose to try wake him, some how it worked.

"what are you doing?" he said chuckling and looking really confused at me.

"trying to wake you up, I guess it worked" I said giggling and I stopped poking his nose.

We both started laughing from that weird moment and we stopped when we thought it wasn't funny anymore.

15 minutes later me, Jerome, Delilah, Kol, Anna and everyone else had breakfast and the boys did their routine which they had to do, which im guessing it's important but to me it's not because work is just so exhausting.

"so what should we do guys?" Delilah asked.

"how about something fun" Anna suggested.

"what kind of fun are we talking about?" I asked.

Anna waved her hand looking like a 'follow me sign' so we followed her outside and in to the forest.

"why are we in the forest?" Delilah asked.

"we're gonna be wolves but you need to follow me because it's gonna take at least 10 minutes to get there" Anna said excited.

Anna transformed in to a black/purple wolf, 'i gotta say, her fur actually suits her and it's really pretty, hey those are my favorite colours as well'.

Me and Delilah shape shifted into our white wolves and followed Anna, well we basically ran for like 5 minutes until we actually got there.

We arrived at a waterfall with a small pond and we changed back into our human form, it looked amazing, reminds me of home with Delilah and mother, and it smells the same to.

"Anna, what is this place?" I asked and just couldn't resist gasping because it was just too beautiful.

"we call it 'The Diamond Falls' because the colour is as bright as a diamond, the crystals in the rock, people call them diamonds as well but they're just crystals, but they wanted people to feel happy here" Anna said smiling.

"wow, so much history, I like the name know, it sounds like diamonds actually fall with the water" I replied.

"so many people or wolves as you know come here and they would drink from the fall, its drinkable and the water will make you strong everyday" Anna responded.

"have you drank the water?" Delilah asked.

"indeed I have, when I was 16 years old, you two are ready, you both may drink" Anna replied.

Delilah and I both drank from the fall and I felt amazing, I felt happy, like what Anna said, people come here for happiness.

"ANNA!" someone shouted.

We looked to see who it was and it was Jerome and the others.

"Anna what are you doing, they can't drink from the falls, they're not human!" Jerome shouted.

"enough with all this human stuff, they're not just humans you know and they're a lot more than you think!" Anna shouted.

I do hate being called a human, it's really annoying.

"okay, what are they then!" Jerome questioned.

"Anna" I said and she looked at me.

"say it, they have to know, we can't keep it from them anymore" I said raising my voice.

Jerome looked at me then started walking towards me, face to face in front of me he stopped.

"okay, I'll bite, tell me Victoria" he said looking at me in the eyes.

"me and Delilah are, are-" I got interrupted by howling and growling behind me, 'rogues'.

Rogues were everywhere, there were so many of them that they circled around us.

"Jerome, what are we gonna do?" I asked him.

Jerome and the others transformed into wolves, Jerome his black wolf, Anna her black and purple wolf, Elijah was a black mixed with brown wolf, Kol was brown and Klaus was black mixed with red.

They all showed no fear but anger, they all started fighting leaving us in our human form.

"you ready Delilah" I asked.

"you betcha" she replied.

"remember no fear" I reminded her.

Two rogues were heading my way, so I ran as fast as I could, hid behind a bush and shape shifted into my white wolf form, I showed the rogues my wolf and boy did they look scared.

I growled so loudly it made them jump and run away, I saw my Jerome and the others winning so me and Delilah quickly hid behind a bush and shape shifted into our human form, all the rogues ran away then Jerome and the others shifted back to their human forms.

"we gotta go before more show up, we should split up just in case, I'll take Victoria and Delilah" Anna suggested.

We all nodded and went our separate ways to get back to the house.

"that was some sick moves you got their guys" Anna said smiling.

"thanks" me and Delilah said.

We shifted into wolves and went to the house, we were a minute away from the house so we shifted into our human form and walked the rest of the way, we got to the house and the boys were already there.

Jerome ran up to me and gave me a big hug.
"you okay?" Jerome asked me.

"yeah, im fine" I said looking confused.

"yeah Jerome thanks for asking if your sister is okay" Anna said sarcastically.

"you, you shifted" Klaus said walking up to me started pointing.

"what are you talking about Niklaus?" Kol asked looking confused.

"she shifted into a wolf, and so did Delilah!" Klaus said getting angry.

"your crazy?" Jerome responded.

"it's true" I said looking at Jerome.

"what?!" Jerome asked.

"Delilah and I are shape shifters, we can shift into any animal and I met Delilah when she was in her wolf form, that was 3 days after the murder" I said feeling sad.

"why didn't you tell me, or all of us?" Jerome said holding my hands.

"we only told Anna and I was worried that if tell more people then the truth would come out, we didn't wanna risk it, so yeah" I said looking him in the eyes.

"show us, you and Delilah, shows us so then we can see if it's true or not" Jerome asked.

Delilah and I took a step back and shifted into our white wolves, the look on everyone's face was kinda funny when they saw us, we shifted back into our human forms and I just stood there looking down on the ground.

"you look so beautiful as a wolf" Jerome said smiling.

He lifted my chin up so I would look him in the eyes and then, then he kissed me on the lips.

We both looked at each other and I was suprised when he kissed for the first on the lips, it felt spectacular.

"lets go inside and you and Delilah can explain everything" Jerome suggested.

I nodded and we all went inside and Delilah and I explained everything, it took about 2 hours to explain it because we had to answer some of their questions and some of them interrupted us as we were explaining.

So there you have it guys, the truth is out, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and give me some feedback XD

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