Goodbye and Kidnapped, again

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Another day another life in heaven, I felt sad this morning, I wonder why, I saw Jerome packing again.

"where are you going?!" I questioned.

"im going on a trip, im sorry Minx" he said with sad eyes.

"who's going with you?" I asked.

"Elijah and Kol, is that okay if I leave you with Anna, Klaus and, Lucian" he said.

"as long as Anna stays then I'll be fine, I may have to beat up Lucian if he gets in my way" I said, thinking about it

Jerome chuckled, which made me smile.


1 hour later Jerome was leaving with Elijah and Kol, 'sad face' I kissed and hugged him goodbye and he was gone after that.

It was just me, Delilah, Anna, Klaus and, Lucian, great.

We went inside and when I looked at Lucian he was typing, on his phone, sociable enough.

He put his phone away and I quickly looked in the other direction.

Another hour, maybe 2 of talking to Anna and Delilah about how we are living in 'Hell' right now.

"where's Klaus?" Anna wondered.

"yeah where is he, shouldn't he be taking care of us or something" I said.

"I'll go look for him" Anna said standing up and walking off.

After 5 minutes of waiting, Anna came back and looked confused.

"did you find him?" Delilah asked her.

"no, which is strange, maybe he's outside, lets go check" Anna suggested.

We went outside but instead of finding Klaus, we found Lucian, a bunch of wolves, people and Klaus, lying on the floor unconscious.

"Lucian what's going on?!" Anna yelled.

"basically, these people are gonna help me kidnap you" he said smiling.

'i knew it, I knew he couldn't be trusted' I thought.

"Victoria, Delilah. RUN"

We ran into the house but Anna was nowhere to be found. We heard a scream from outside, it was Anna.

It went all quiet, I hope they didn't kill her.

"what do we do" Delilah thought.

"I dont know, let's" I cut off by a guy who ran towards us.

We ran upstairs and separated, I didn't know where I was going since I was under a lot of pressure, I entered a room and sat in the closet.

It was very quiet for a minute, then all of a sudden someone entered the room.

"Victoria, stop playing hide and seek, come out and I promise I'll go easy on you" Lucian said possibly smirking.

I heard a scream, it was Delilah, oh no, I heard her growl so I guess she shifted, and then a whine came into my reach.

"Delilah" I whispered very quietly.

The footsteps came closer and closer to me, the door opened and Lucian found me.

"hello Victoria" he said.

I tried to run but he managed to grab hold of me, I tried to break free but I couldn't.

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