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Turns out I slept through an entire day so now it has been like 2 days or something since I've been kidnapped, im not that good at remembering days.

I opened my eyes and noticed Jerome was putting on a black v-neck shirt, im also not good at remembering shirts as well, so I pretended I didn't notice and closed my eyes, the next thing I heard was someone opening then closing the door, I looked around and Jerome had gone leaving me in hear by myself.

I wonder where BuBa was, "BuBa where are you?" I wondered also mind linking to him.

"morning Victoria, im downstairs drinking water from a bowl, normally it would be from a fountain like the one at home but this water is nice as well" BuBa replied.

"water is just water you know" I said.

"I know" he replied.

I put on my jacket and went downstairs to go see BuBa, I went into the kitchen and saw BuBa eating some bacon, honestly im not a fan of bacon that's because I never eat it, so yeah.

Elijah was making breakfast, he was cooking some eggs, im also not a fan of eggs but they are okay though, Elijah saw me standing there.

"good morning Victoria, would you like some breakfast" he asked.

"no thanks but a glass of milk will do fine thankyou" I replied.

Elijah smiled and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and poured some milk into the glass and handed it to, I took the glass of milk and took a sip of it.

"anyway you should eat, you haven't eaten since we took you and I can hear your stomach growling" Elijah started smiling before I could say anything.

"im not a fan of bacon and eggs and presides I have a cookie" I smiled back.

I placed the empty glass down on the counter and just stood there.

"why did you say it in Spanish" Elijah asked me looking very confused at me.

"I wanted to make it, hard for him, but he got it eventually" I replied.

He nodded in response and I about to asked him a question until Klaus came into the kitchen.

"Victoria, good morning" Klaus smiled at me.

"Klaus" I replied, he's always sounds so cocky.

"did I upset you or anything" Klaus looked at me with a fake sad face.

"no, it's just that you always sound so cocky" Elijah laughed when I said that.

"Victoria you dont wanna get on my bad side do you?" Klaus stepped closer to me as he said that trying to threaten me, but I dont get threatened easily.

"and you dont wanna get on my bad side" Klaus laughed for some odd reason.

"do you even know what we are Victoria?" Klaus asked me with sarcasm.

"werewolves but still please dont get on my bad side" I answered.

"Jerome you've got a feisty girl here" I realized he was talking to Jerome.

Jerome stared then smiled at me for a second, then turned towards Klaus and Elijah.

"she does seen feisty" Jerome said smiling at me.

"I have a name you know than she!" I said starting to raise my voice.

"so Victoria what's your wolf called?" Jerome asked.

"BuBa and it's a he" I answered.

"BuBa?, I guess it has a ring to it" Klaus said thinking about it.

"come on BuBa lets go outside" I said using mind link.

We went outside and the wind felt amazing, and im pretty sure someone cut the grass which smelt even better. This hole mate thing is kinda weird, BuBa looked at me weirdly so I stroked his forehead, I heard my stomach growling, man I am hungry, I grabbed my cookie from yesterday and ate it also giving BuBa some as well, we both love chocolate, especially me.

Jerome stood next to me holding his hands together, "so do you forgive me then?" he asked.

"you know it's not gonna be that easy dont you" I answered.

"apparently if a mate doesn't love their mate then one of them will turn into a rogue full of hatred and anger, so im gonna ask you this, will you be my forever Victoria" Jerome said looking sad.

I thought for a moment, seeing him look like that, man he really wants me to be his girl and all that.

"forever seems like a very long time, okay I will be your girl but you have to ask me out on a date" I replied.

He looked confused, "basically im single right at this moment so if you ask me out no one can take me out and I'll be with yours, but you can't ask me out now since I just told you and im still mad" he nodded in agreement.

Jerome smiled and place his hand on my shoulder, then hugged me, "thankyou for doing this" he said kissing my head, I hugged him back and said, "it was a choice I had to make" I said smiling, hugging him felt safe, it feels safe being around him and all that.

A few hours later I saw Kol playing some video game with Klaus watching, obviously.

"hey Kol" I said sitting next to him.

"hi Victoria" he replied back.

"whatcha doing?" I asked.

"playing a video game, it's called Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, it's a good game but I suck at it" he said looking at me.

"can I have a go" I asked.

"do you know how to play?" Kol questioned.

Klaus laughed at me for some reason.

"yes I do know how to play, I used to play Black Ops and more" I said furiously at Klaus.

Kol gave me the PS3 controller and I played on team deathmatch. About 5-10 minutes later I finished a map, I won the game with my special skills and my team, you can't be a lone wolf forever, I looked at the score board and I got 30 kills and no deaths like the last time I played.

"30 kills and no DEATHS!, how'd you do that?" Kol said dropping his jaw.

"I've got skills" I said smiling.

"im impressed" Klaus said smiling.

"impressive, you've beaten my score by one" I looked behind me and Jerome was there, he smiled at me and I smiled back a little.

"so Victoria what do you wanna do, I mean not being cooped up in here all the time?" Jerome asked.

"I dont know" I said wondering.

"my friend Anna is coming tomorrow so maybe she could like take you shopping tomorrow" Kol suggested.

"cool, sounds fun" I replied.

It turned 11 o clock so I decided to go to bed because I was exhausted, I noticed Jerome following me and as I went into the room he was behind me.

"you going to sleep now?" Jerome asked.

"yeah, im tired" I said yawning.

I got into bed and tried to get to sleep but someone also got into bed with me, I felt Jerome put his arm around my waist so I turned to face and noticed his sad eyes staring deeply into my eyes.

I placed my hand where his heart was and felt the sparkles as I touched his skin, I felt his heart beat against my hand and felt it rising as the sparkles continued, I felt my eyes getting very tired so I closed my eyes and moved closer to Jerome, he felt so warm, if it was really cold he would be my heater, and so my eyes started dreaming.

Hope you enjoy this chapter please comment and vote and stay tuned for more.

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