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Hey. Please enjoy, and, as always, if you're able, check out my other story: Strawberries and Cream. It's rated R, so only read it if you are allowed. Off to the side is Jenny.

*2 days later*

“Mmmm... Don’t touch me there.” My eyes shoot open from the nightmare I'd just had. Funny, because I never have nightmares...

“Ma, are you up?” I yell out to the open white space that was my boring ceiling. I don't hear the preppy reply that usually came after. Damn, she must still be sleeping then. I roll off of bed and walked two steps in my sleep-like state until I notice that my feet slap beneath me.

“What the hell?” I mutter sleepily, and look down. There isn’t any carpet... No carpet? My room has carpet... What the hell? I look up and suck in a yelp. This isn’t my room... Where the hell am I? I survey my surroundings slowly and take in the room that is much prettier than my own. The cream and brown tapestry is elegant and timeless and the ledge by the window is too low and too wide for just sitting things on. My search ends when I see Jenny, laying in the same bed that I was on too.

“Jenny!” I jump back into the bed and cradle her head in my lap.

“Jenny, are you okay...” I shake her and she stirs, pushing at me. I move her hand away and her eyes shoot open. She looks at my face, her mouth forming a giant ‘O’ as she squints at me.

“Jane?” She says, wonder in her voice. My eyebrows furrow and so do hers. They seem more arched since the last time I saw her.

“What happened to your face?” I say, wonder in my voice as well. She got... prettier... Not that Jenny was ugly or anything but... her face is flawless. And her eyes. They're an ice clear blue. Nothing like the normal blue that I'm so used to.

“I could say the same to you.” I make a face and pull her up with me to a standing position. She takes one look around the room and starts hyperventilating.

“Where are we?” She yells, and I covered her mouth with my hand.    

“Shut up! We can’t be loud if we wanna get outta here.” I whisper fiercely. She nods and I let my hand fall.

“Okay, so there’s a window over there,” I point over to the open window with the drapes blowing softly, “Let’s go see if we can jump out of it, find out where we are and get help. Look around for things we can use. And Jenny,” I say as she turns to look, ”We gotta be fast.” She nods, determined, and run around the room, same as me and looked around for things we can use.

“Found shoes! And clothes too!” She whispers, looking into a dresser and pulling out random articles of clothing. Finally noticing what I'm wearing, I strip out of the flimsy gown someone had put on me. I shudder, dress quickly in some jeans and a tank top, and pull on some socks and the converse she handed me. There was a jacket in the top drawer and I pulled it on too, grabbing one for Jenny also. I throw it to her as she puts on her last shoe.

“Now let’s see about the window.” She says, already heading for it. I follow behind, being quiet and open the huge window all the way. We're two story’s up and I don’t think either one of us would make it uninjured if we jumped.

“So what do we do now!” Jenny whispers, sliding to the ground and putting her face in her hands. I look down to see if any more windows are under us and give a relieved sigh when I see there aren’t.

“We can still make it. Come on, get up. I need you for this to work.” I bend down and help her up. She looks at me with hope in her eyes.

“OK, so, for this to work, I need you to hang out the window and for me to climb down your body to even have hope of jumping down. Once I jump down, I want you to jump down, and I’ll catch you.” I finish quickly, before she can call me crazy.

"Jane! How in the hell am I supposed to support your and my weight? And once you jump, you’ll have to catch me, and the only way that you could do that is if I fall on you!” She looks exasperated.

“Would you rather be here?” I ask her, gesturing my hand to the room around us. We have to get the hell out of here. And that's my top priority right now. Her face shadows over as she thinks about it. Looking behind her shoulder she sighs.

“There is one more option though...” She whispers, and I notice how she is looking at the bedroom door.

“No. There isn’t. There’s no way in hell I’m going through that door." She frowns and looks like she's going to cry again, but something stops her. A sound. That came from neither her or I. My head swings in the direction of the sound and I shiver when I realise that it came from behind the door. When my head swings back, Jenny isn't there anymore. She is halfway out of the window, and I'm right behind her. Our only sounds are the panicked breaths we occasionally draw in.

"You ready?" I ask, not waiting for an answer. It doesn't matter if she was ready or not. We have to do this.

"Yes." She says even though I'm already halfway down her body. She grunts as I shimmy my way down to her feet. I look down like they tell you not to, noting the perfectly manicures lawn and bushes. Wherever we are, it reeks of money. I let go.

It's a much more different experience than I thought it would be. I thought I would plummet to the ground and twist my ankle. But no. Everything comes and goes in slow motion. The ground waits until I'm ready to touch it and then my feet point down. And as my toes touch the ground one by one, I land in a graceful crouch. I breath out raggedly as I realise what I'd just done. I landed. Easily. Maybe the people who kidnapped up drugged us also. With steroids or something...

"O-okay. Jump now." I turn around to catch Jenny as she lets go of the ledge just as a pale hand shoots out and tries to catch her. My heart stops. She lands in my arms. I put her down. We run.

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