A Bit Strange

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Yola! So, here is another chapter of Needs. As always, you should chez out Strawberries and Cream if you can :)


Night comes and goes. And along with a tedious, pitiful apology from Jack, I'm ignored by James. Grell arrives at the scene just after I'd stop crying, escorting us back to the mansion. I refused to look at anything but the ground as Jenny led me.

"Jane-" Jenny tries to cheer me up when we get to our room, but I hold my hand up to stop her. Why does she feel the need to help me when she's just seen how much of a monster I can be?

"You're not a monster." She snaps angrily. My eyes flit to her, and for the first time ever, I feel like it's actually me she's angry at.

"I am angry at you!" Her words sting, making me flinch. My eyes widen at her declaration,  processing that she's mad at me for the first time ever. She grabs me roughly by the arm, shaking me once and pulls me to her face.

"I'm only going this say this once, Jane. You are a good person.You're not a killer, and you damned sure aren't a monster. You should know this more than anyone," Shake, shake, "And if you ever say that again... I will leave you. Forever. We've both seen monsters Jane, you're not one one them..." She finishes in a whisper, looking away. I lean into her and nod my head. Jenny wouldn't ever leave me. Never. And if she tried, I don't think I'd let her.

"Okay. I'm okay." I breathe out. There's a knock at the door and we turn to see who would enter. When no one does, I walk over to the door, opening it fully. It's Jack. Jenny hisses, and Jack flinches.

"What do you want. Do you like pissing people off?" My eyes slit and anger begins to bubble in my gut.

"Well, I just wanted to say sorry again, and to let you know that if there's anything-" I close the door in his face, walk over to the bed and sit down. I'm beginning to get a headache. Can vampires even get  headaches?

"I think so, because I've got one too." Jenny chimes in, reminding me that my thoughts aren't as private anymore. I laugh.

"Quit reading my mind, weirdo." Jenny laughs too and sit on the bed. Our laughter dies down as another knock sounds on our door again. I roll my eyes and stomp over to it, flinging the door open.

"Jack, you're really-" I stop whatever I was about to say when I see that it's not Jack at the door, but James. I stiffen, eyed widening.

"James!" Jenny breaths out. He'd disappeared shortly after Grell had come, and I wonder quitely where he has been. I open and close my mouth it twice before speaking.

"James... I- I'm so sor-" He holds his hand up to stop me, smiling. It reminds me of when Grell does that. He rubs his jaw, probably remembering how I'd hit him.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm just surprised you manage to get the better of me... and Jack. I really don't want an apology or anything. You're just a baby, so it's expected of you to lose control like that. Can I come in?" I half laugh at my rudeness and step aside. I twiddle my thumbs and look at James as he perches on the window seat. He looks at me and grins.

"Don't look so guilty. It's not cute on you." My mouth twitches up in a smile. He gives me a thumbs up and looks out the window.

"James. Even though I'm new, or... whatever, I don't think it was right of me to go and hit you like that. Or try to kill Jack." I huff out the last part. Even though in the last few hours he'd proven himself to be an asshole, Jack doesn't deserve to die.

"It's fine. You did have me worried though. You broke Blaze..." He whisperes the last part.

"Blaze?" Jenny hops out on the bed, cocking her head to the side as if to provide the rest of the question.

"My weapon." James looks up at me, cocking an eyebrow.

"What is yours called?" He asks me. The question mark must've shown on my face because he strides over to where I stand and grabs my arm, turning it for me to see something. And I do.

"What the hell?" I draw out the word hell, and swipe at the marking under the crook of my right elbow. Not that it isn't cool or anything, it's just that I don't have and tattoo's. Especially not a blazing sun one...

"That's your mark, Jane. Don't tell me your weapon didn't tell you it's name." He lets go of my hand, and I keep staring at the faint grey sun. It looks just like the weapon I'd had earlier.

"This might be a problem then." James looks worried for a second and then looks over at Jenny, who turns to look at me.

"What problem?" Sure, I don't understand most of what was going on, but I feel fine... now at least. Thirty minutes ago I was a little bloodthirsty and psychotic, but I'm okay now. Right?

"You're not fully bonded to your weapon." Jenny says, looking as confused as I feel.

"What?" I grip my head. Damned headache!

"Your string that is supposed to connect you to... your weapon... is almost completely faded in the middle. You and your weapon aren't bonded..." She finishes off, not sure of what she's saying. Oh Jen, ever the self-doubter. I don't like the sound of whatever she's trying to say anyway. James stands, looking purposeful in all his movements.

"Well, don't worry your pretty little heads. We can fix it tomorrow. Get some sleep guys." James makes his way to the door and lets himself out. Jenny and I look after him.

"This can't be good..." We plop down on the bed next to each other. I note her contemplating expression. I poked her in the cheek and she starts.

"What's up?" I ask, quirking my eyebrow.

"Oh... Nothing. It's just strange to me how a person can be connected to an inanimate object." There's a moment that I contemplate this too, but then I lay back on the bed, feet dangling.

"It sure didn't feel like just an object. I swear it talked to me..." I trail off, trying to remember what it had said. I can't remember...

"Hmm..." Jenny falls back too, her hair falling in my face. I sputter and laugh along with her. She sighs, still thinking about it.

"Let's not worry about something we don't understand okay?" I stand up and take off my shorts and bra. Jenny does the same. We'd usually take a shower before we go to sleep, but I don't want to run the risk of running into Jack, and Jenny seems to be in her own world, thinking about something.

"Hey Jane?" Even though my gaze is on the lights dancing on the ceiling, I can hear the smile in Jenny's voice, her thoughts temporarily forgotten.

"Yeah?" She can probably hear mine too.

"Out of all your strings... The one connecting us is the brightest." I hear her smile harder.

"Of course it is. What did you expect?" She giggles and rolls to her side, back to me and sighs sleepily.

"We gotta find Fluffy tomorrow." She says. I can hear the sleep in her voice and grunt in agreement.  

"Night." We both say at the same time before falling asleep. I don't dream.

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