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Hola, how are you? As always, enjoy, and if you are able, please read my other story: Strawberries and Cream. Grell is off to the side.


"My sweet Jane and Jenny, come here." He smiles and opens his arms wide. The gesture reminds me of the pain I'd felt in the graveyard. I don't come to him, but stood there, holding my stomach as if the pain still lingers. Jenny walks over to him, looking down shyly and turning around to me, holding out her hand. I don't hesitate to walk over to her and take it. The man's smile gets bigger and puts down his arms, seeing that he isn't going to get a hug.

"No disrespect sir, but-" He lifts a hand, cutting me off.

"No, Jane, it's alright. I hope in the future you'll grow to think of me as a father, since... either of you've never really had one." He finishes off the last part of the sentence quickly, but he doesn't need to. Jenny and I are done with that part of our lives. We don't ever have to go back to Chicago.

Chicago, right? One of the best place to live EVER! Right? No. My father had grown up the party boy, and when he was eighteen, he'd decided he'd fallen in love with a fourteen year old. Protected sex is an unnecessary precaution when you're in love I guess. And 10 months after him and mom began dating, I, Jane Slade, was born. And my father sentenced to eight years in prison for statutory rape during her first term of my mother's pregnancy. My mother, Diana Smith, raised me from the time she was fifteen to twenty-three years old, and rekindled her relationship with my father. He, the man who had birthed me, didn't even know that I existed. Funny twist right? The twenty-seven year old man met me for the first time three weeks after my eighth birthday, asked my name, and left. My mother, being the strong woman she was, blamed me for his leaving. She started hitting me. By the time I turned fifteen years old, I had tried committing suicide seven times, my mother had put me in the hospital four times, and I didn't have a friend in the world. Not having a father there didn't even scratch the surface for me. I take a deep breath.

"Sorry we ran away." I apologize. Jenny nods, agreeing. He waves it off.

"You're fine sweetie. You're not in trouble or anything. But let's go inside and get you cleaned up." He takes in Jenny and I's appearance, lingering on mine.

"Rough landing?" We both smile, the memory of seeing each other during my jump coming back and walk into the mansion. The doors are much bigger than necessary, along with the corridor we  begin walking down.

"There are only six unused bedrooms and four baths. Down here to the right, we have the kitchen." I look down the hallway to a very big kitchen, and my eyes widen a tiny bit at all the people lounging in it. They all looked like supermodels waiting for a camera to flash. One woman in particular catches my eye. She has huge red pouty lips, blond hair, and super light blue eyes. She looks so unreal that I think for one second that she's just a perfect statue. But my one second belief is cut short when she looks back at me, smiles, and points, giggling.

"Nice dirt." More people look over at me and Jenny and laugh at my messy state, and I give them the finger. An instinctive retaliation method learned over the years. A few gasps and odd looks later, and our small group walks past that hallway and up some stairs into a very lavishly decorated hall.

"That wasn't very nice Jane." The man says, and I start in surprise.

"Oh, right, I guess I shouldn't be such a bitch to people I'm going to be around for such a long time. I'm sorry." I don't mean any disrespect when I said this, but the man's face grimaced when I said the word 'bitch'. I make a mental note not to swear in front of the adults at this place. Jenny grips my hand a little tighter and we were walking into the room we'd woken up in, it's neatness a little unnerving. The clothing we'd thrown everywhere are no longer there, and the bed is made.

"This will be your bedroom until tomorrow and you're fed and well and... clean." He smirks in my direction, and I laugh through my nose, shaking my head. The feeling that I need something grows and grows inside me, and Jenny's hand is clenching and unclenching in mine. She must be feeling it even stronger than me. Someone clears their throat.

"Yes James?" The man asked someone behind us. I turn and look at the men who had been pursuing us. They're twins, both have wild blond hair that looks stylish even without any hair products in it, and the only thing that I can tell is different is their eye colors. One of them has a deep forest green and the other a vivid ocean-like blue. Both men were beautiful. Both were looking at Jenny. So I look over at her too.

"Jenny." I whisper her name. She clenches her stomach in her right hand and her breathing is labored. Her eyes are so low she looks high, and her mouth... The perfect image of a saber toothed tiger comes to mind as her canines elongated to the bottom of her lip. She looks over at me, as pitiful as a kitten. Her hand in mine starts shaking and I look at the man. I swallow.

"She needs... blood... or something." I don't know what she needs, but I know she needs something, and fast. The man in the black trench coat walks closer to us, grabs her gently by the chin, and turns her toward him. He nods his head at one of the boys behind us, James presumably, and I feel wind against my back. He's probably gone to get something for her to eat. Or maybe someone. She swallows and runs a hand through her hair. I frown. It's straight... not curly.

"Let's sit down." I say, leading her over to the bed we had woken up in. We sit down at the same time the serious man who I had talked to in the woods came rushing in, face still serious.

"Ma'am." He nods his head to Jenny and she looks feral. He walks over to her calmly and offers his wrist. I blush, as this moment seems intimate beyond belief and want to leave the room. So I do. Jenny nods to me, understanding.

"What's the matter, princess?" The twin with green eyes walks closely behind me, his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing, just getting some air." I play the whole thing off well. I lean against the wall right by the doorway and take a deep breath. I'm not afraid of drinking blood or anything, I'm just not very experienced with being a vampire.

"Don't you want to drink too?" He holds out his hand for me to take and looks inside the room. I heard a small puncture sound and a small gasp that I wouldn’t've heard if I were human. I hear quick gulps and the soft groan from a man. I clear my throat awkwardly, and tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear. He let's his hand fall.

"Uh, no, not yet. I don't wanna get my donor dirty." He smiles, and I do too. He holds out his hand again, and I shake it.

"I'm James. I'll get someone to prepare a shower for you." He starts to walk away.

"No, that's fine. Just show me to a bathroom." I don't want to be waited on with as much power I have. I need to get it out somehow. James sighs, looks around, and steps closer to me.

"Look, I'm not really supposed to leave you unsupervised. I thought that having a female vampire in the bathroom with you would be more to Grell's liking." He explains. Grell?

"Who's Grell?" The man in the trench coat calmly walks out of Jenny and I's trial room.

"I am sweetie." He smiles and looks back into the room, nodding to someone I can't see. He walks over to me and James. James backs up to give us some space.

"Are you thirsty dear?" He's already begun pulling me into the room. I can see her now. She sits on the bed, cross-legged and beaming. Her eyes flicker to me and she grins a big, toothy grin. I'm expecting to see something like a bloodstained terrifying smile, but there's no blood on her lips, and there's no red on her teeth. Her fangs show though.

"I'm not actually. I'd just like a shower." His eyebrows raise a bit and he lets go of my hand. I smile and gesture to my body.

"Are you sure? It won't take just a minute." He insists, his voice very persuasive.

"No thank you." I smile at his caring nature, but even with the totally yummy smell of blood in the air, and the guard awaiting his next orders standing not ten feet away, I'm not feeling the thirst. I run my tongue over my teeth and notice that, while they were sharper, they aren't coming out of my mouth like Jenny's were.

"Okay sweetie. Jenny, would you like a shower too?" He holds his hand out to her, smiling and she pounced out of bed, right in front of him. It's a very cool thing to see.

"Oh, a shower just sounds great!" Her smilage is on 100% and she hops over to me. I smirk, curious now, of what blood tastes like.

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