Little Bear

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Hi!  1 :18 in the am :) I think I get inspiration from sleepiness :D Anyway, something productive came out of it. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter, and also, if you're able, please read my other story Strawberries and Cream.


Our feet slap against the wooden floors as I lead us back to our room.

“Why did we come back here? Let’s go find everyone.” Jenny looks confused as I walk back towards our closet. I walk through and move to the wall of shoes.

“I just need some socks and shoes. And you need some too.” This is my last stalling trick and then we’d be on our way to no one. Jenny nods, speeds to the wall, picks up four different pair of heels and tries each on before settling with a plain yellow two inch. She looks so wholesomely naughty that I almost laugh. Sparkly bits catch my eye and  I open a glass drawer revealing jewelry. Jenny squeaks and picks up what I can only guess is a ruby and emerald gold chain. Even I’m impressed with the expanse of jewelry in the first drawer. I step back, grabbing out a simple silver bracelet and walk over to the wall of shoes and grab a pair of white converse.

“Hey, Jen... I, uh... I want to change my shirt.” Jenny grunts a response and I step out of the closet and slowly make my way to the dresser pushed against the tan and cream striped wall. I open the fourth drawer and push aside the fitted T’s and found a box top, cutting off at the midsection of my stomach. The words ‘Sexy Bitch’ were plastered across it, making it look  vulgar and stylish at the same time. I like it.

Smiling, I pull off my tank top and lift the shirt over my head, putting it on as slowly as possible. My look’s complete! I go back in the closet with Jenny and grab some socks from a dresser right next to the shoe wall. It also contains shoelaces, belts, and scarves. Jenny squeaks from behind my and runs over, looking over my shoulder. I grab out a belt and some black shoelaces unlacing my shoes with an unnatural speed and replacing them, and finally, putting them and the belt on. Jenny turns to me with some mysterious yellow stone at the base of her throat and a platinum bracelet blinging out her wrist.

“Ready?” She flashes a smile at me and I smile back, nodding. Better just get it over with.

“Then let’s go!” Jenny chimes out, pulling me with her as she skipped in her heels. They clack loudly down the halls and all I can think of is the echo. We get to the giant doors and I push them open, letting a huge stream of light flow into the living room. I breathe in the early morning air and smile, although I know I won’t enjoy this for much longer, mornings have always been my favorite time of day. I think for a moment that I would have given this up to be a vampire and smile harder.. Even if I didn’t have the daytime, I still had the nights. Even if I wouldn’t be able to hear the birds chirping and the smell of dew, and the way everything looks so perfect.

“I didn’t think it would be like this, you know? I thought more along the lines of dungeons and hidden caves, but now that we’re here... it just feels like heaven. I have the ability to experience the world in a totally different way now. It’s just really cool.” Jenny says softly, wetting her lips and tucking her hair back gently from her face. Right this moment, I don’t want to think about what she’d look like when she figured Grell and the others aren’t here. I just want to keep this image of her in my mind forever. Wide eyed with the sun in her eyes and a slight smile on her pink lips that contrast so beautifully with her caramel skin. Jenny’s so much prettier than I am.

“I think you’re prettier.” Jenny says. She smiles at me, and I smirk back. I really hate that mind thing.

“C’mon, let’s go and find the others.” Maybe they’re testing us or something. To see if we panic during a situation in which we think we’re alone. I think desperately. I can only hope that’s the case. Jenny nods excitedly, her hair bouncing, and we were off, dancing in the wind as we first check around the house and then split up to search further out.

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