The Beginning

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His tight fist left a red mark on my already bruised neck, my sister came in. "Daddy i can't get back to sleep," she whispered, her eyes hazy she rubbed them to see what our father was doing to me. "DADDY STOP PLEASE!"She yelled, he looked at me and drew his eyes to my little sister before he slowly dropped me onto my bed tears rolling down my face.                                                                                                                               

*5 years later*

I was a 10 year old girl, my little sister was 6, she doesn't remember that night but I do. That night  haunts my dreams, it gives me a slight joy knowing that he is dead. 

Everyone kept coming up to me saying things like, "He was such a wonderful person,"  every time I knew it was a lie, he was hated around town, yet everyone showed up to his funeral to say their goodbyes or just to wish him a good time in hell. "Emma," Janie yelled I looked towards her  and saw her standing besides his casket crying. "He is actually dead?" She kept repeating it, over and over  in between sobs. I ran up  and gave her a giant hug, "I know he is but we will get over this, just like we got over Mums death, we will be alright" I reassured her, we didn't need him any more. Julie came up to us, "Are you two ok?" She looked at us like she expected us both to break down, I wasn't going to, I don't miss him after the way he treated me he deserved to die. Julie shook me and said "SNAP OUT OF IT!" I looked at her, "Sorry i was just thinking about everything." she looked towards me and just stared. She was the one person who kind of got how I felt but then I realized, she didn't. 

A strange man wearing a dark suit came towards us, "Julie Carson, I am sorry for your loss but may we please speak in private?" She looked up towards him, then started following him, when she got back she seemed shocked like she had seen a ghost. "Julie what happened?" I asked. She turned towards me and pointed over to the corner, indicating to go over there, so we got up and walked over to the corner. "That man is the founder of a big company which i have been trying to work for, for months and he just offered me a huge job as the president of the company!" she sounded so excited yet so horrified at the same time. "Julie that is amazing!" I exclaim. "Did you say yes?" She simply shook her head, "I said I need to think about it." I sighed and walked towards the strange man wearing a dark suit. "Julie will take the job, please email her with more information." At first he looked surprised, after a few seconds of looking me up and down, he nodded then walked away I turned back, Julie looked furious but I knew it was the right thing to do, she really wants this job.

*3 weeks later*

The moving trucks pulled away from our house as we said our final goodbyes to our family home which we grew up in, it was so weird leaving. Julie looked pleased that we didn't have a problem with moving to a new city, a new school, a new place, we really didn't have a problem with it,  we had no reason to stay around here, it was just a constant reminder of our dead parents. As we drove past the, 'You are now leaving New Jersey' sign, I felt like a weight had just been lifted off my shoulders and a new life was beginning.

A chance to start over. 

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