A New Realisation

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It's Tuesday night, school has been a breeze, *Beep.* I heard my phone go off and instantaneously checked it. It was a message from Dave, "How's everything going?" He asked me.

"Great, how about you?" I replied, we kept talking all night, he was actually a really funny guy, but I needed to keep focused on the task at hand. I woke up at 7:55 am, I was really tired after talking to Dave for such a long time last night but it was definitely worth it. I got out of bed and started getting ready for school. I walked past Julie, we exchanged a polite smile then both kept walking, she wasn't very hands on with me because she knew I didn't like it but she was always there if I needed her. I arrived at school after the long and uncomfortable drive to school, Janie kept going on about how much she missed dad and that she wished he wasn't dead. Everyday she does this and it only makes me feel empty, no compassion here. 

I walked over to the chill room and opened the creaky door, inside there was Rebekah sitting on the dented sofa eagerly waiting for me to arrive. As soon as she realized I was there she rushed over to me and asked for all the details about mine and Dave's conversation last night, "So what did you guys talk about?" She asked i looked around the room and walked over to the sofa and took a seat.

"Nothing really, we were just getting to know each other, you know where we were both from and our family life, trust me nothing important." I replied, she looked disappointed but she had every reason to be, this task would not happen over night but it could take weeks maybe longer. *Diiing* we heard the bell ring so we hurried off to homeroom.

I was walking into maths and Dave looked joyful. I went and sat down, we continued our conversation from last night. It was a very simple one yet I still feel so comfortable with him, like I could tell him anything and he wouldn't tell a soul, except obviously I couldn't tell him everything otherwise Rebekah would kill me. 

"So, dinner on Friday?" Dave asked me.

"Uh, sure thing." I was so ecstatic, I'm starting to really like him and even Rebekah said he was a good guy but I didn't really believe it until now.   

At lunch I went to the chill room to find Rebekah waiting for me, as soon as I entered the room she acted like I wasn't there. "Hey Rebekah, how was maths?" I asked, she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, sorry something terrible happened in maths, Hanna got expelled." 

"WHAT, WHY?" I yelled, she looked disappointed.

"She got in a fight to protect me." She admitted, I was shocked, Hanna was not one to get in a fight.

"What happened?" I asked, tears started rolling down her face.

"Someone accused me of cheating in a exam,Hanna was the first one to come to my rescue. The person who was accusing me of cheating is the school sweat heart, Annabel Jeffrey,  she started swinging punches and the principal expelled Hanna, even though she didn't do anything wrong." Rebekah said all this and I realised she felt guilty I went to comfort her.

"Is there anything I can do?" she shook her head. 

"Nope, nothing can make me feel better right now". 

Everyday was different without Hanna at school, but we all still kept in touch Hanna got sent off to a boarding school because her parents didn't believe her. Rebekah and I were just trying to get our minds off it by obsessing over our plan to get her freedom but, it didn't feel the same.    

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