Violence is Never the Answer

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I started the day out with a great attitude but I had a feeling that it wouldn't last long, I mean I had no reason to be sad but I just knew something was going to happen. I went to school and immediately I knew the bad thing was going to happen, I walked up to Rebekah and said "hey how are you?" she smiled and replied "hey i'm great do you see that guy over there" she pointed to a guy dressed in all black wearing a leather jacket and biker boots I nodded "yeah so that guy did what?" I asked, "he asked me out" she said so excitedly I was so happy for her but I felt like he was going to be bad.

"His name is Zeke Arthur" Rebekah stated, I pulled out my phone and googled him, "so he has been arrested for vandalism, breaking and entering, robbery and possession with intent to sell, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, she looked at him and then looked back at me "yeah he is actually a sweet guy, how did you find all that out by googling him?" She asked I looked guilty and admitted "I hacked into his school file" she didn't look surprised "I will be fine" she reassured me but i wasn't so sure. It was time for Rebekah and Zeke's date and I was on watch out, just to be save. He took her to Luigi's, I  was two tables away in a disguise just close enough to hear everything but far enough away to stay hidden, Rebekah knew I was there and she was okay with me being protective for now.

After their date Rebekah seemed so excited she came up to me "i'm going out with him tomorrow, and you don't need to come tomorrow" she stated I nodded and smiled, nothing was going to happen plus if it did Rebekah could handle her self so I was okay with not being there.

*1 week later*

Rebekah and Zeke had been dating for a week and from what I could see he was a nice person but better to be save then sorry, they were going on a date which Rebekah asked me to be there in secret just to make sure nothing happened considering when Dave and I were at this point the incident happened, so just to be save she asked me to be there. 

It was the day Rebekah had been dreading she and Zeke were going on there date but I reassured her "I will be there nothing will happen, I promise" they were going to the beach to watch the sunset and I was going to be on the hill watching them and I didn't expect anything to happen until he started kissing her and she pushed him of her and yelled "NO" I was alarmed but he seemed to stop so I thought he had got the message. But five minutes later  he started kissing her neck and raising his hand up her back, she pushed him off her and yelled "NO" again he sat up right and it looked like he was apologizing to her but then he pinned her down on the ground and yelled "I KNOW YOU WANT IT" he started undressing her as she yelled "NO STOP, EMMA HELP" while she was saying this I was already down the hill "GET OFF HER" I yelled he looked up and laughed "go away little girl" he said rudely, I laughed and pulled him off her "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE" Rebekah shouted I helped her up off the ground.

We started to walk up the hill and Zeke yelled "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT EMMA, AND YOU TO REBEKAH, WATCH YOUR BACK" we ignored it and kept walking we got back to my house and we told Julie about everything that happened and she said "you two did the right thing by walking away, Rebekah stay here tonight because there is no way he knows where we live okay" we nodded and headed up to my room "wow what a creep" Rebekah said I laughed and nodded "yeah i'll say" I replied we laughed and she said "well violence isn't always the answer" she smiled and we went to sleep.  

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