A Terrible Hunch

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It is the weekend and Rebekah and I were hanging out, she was still going on about that girl who started all the drama that was going on at school but technically it was my fault because I shouldn't have said anything but I can't change it now so why dwell on it. I was still suspecting that Zeke had something to do with the rumors especially because they weren't just about me but about Rebekah as well which is why I think he was behind them but I had no prove.

"hey Rebekah do you think Zeke had something to do with the rumors?" I asked, she had to think about it "I guess so how come?" She asked, I wasn't intending to tell her my hunch but I can't not tell her "well I have a hunch that he is behind all of this because he was with the girl and the fact that the rumors are about you as well so I was just putting two and two together" I announced, she looked shocked "your right it all makes sense so what is the plan?" she asked, I looked around the room and saw my computer I waked over and grabbed it "we find prove" I replied, she smiled and we began.

We started by creating a fake account on the school website and acting like a different person to dig up some info so we found Zeke's account and asked him  "were you the person who started this rumor?" He replied "yea but how did you know it was a rumor?" We replied "seriously have you heard what you said you have to be stupid to believe that". He didn't reply after that but he did try and hack my server to try and see where we were but I stopped him and gave him a fake address which I can't imagine he was to happy with.

He tried to ring the fake account and we answered using a disguise your voice app. "who are you?" He asked, "Janie Copper-land, why?" We asked, He replied "because you are going to have to act like those rumors are true", we were shocked but asked "why would I do that?", He replied "because I made up these rumors to make them regret upsetting me, so you are going to make everyone believe you think they are true or else I will go to your house and beat you to the brink of death", we gasped and took the voice disguise app off and said "Zeke with that confession we could sue you but we won't because you will admit that you made them up and apologize to us in front of the whole school", He laughed and hung up.

The next day we went to the park to relax and look at the scenery but we were interrupted by Zeke showing up. "you girls will pay for what you did" he announced, we laughed and ignored him. He came up to me and pulled me off the seat and started attempting to hit me but I pushed him off me and sat back down. He came up and did it again but this time strangling me and hitting me while he did it I was struggling to breath, but I managed to push him off me again and I yelled "LEAVE ME ALONE".

He didn't listen and came back to try again but before he did I yelled "REBEKAH CALL THE COPS BEFORE HE HURTS YOU TO" she started dialing and Zeke started walking towards her but I stood in front of her he looked at me and picked me up he dropped me on the grass and started kicking me, he then picked me up again and dropped me straight down on the hard concrete, I was covered in blood and I could hear Rebekah calling the police "please help a man is assaulting my friend and I think he is about to assault me to, please come we are at Cross Park, please hurry, oh and his name is Zeke Arthur." She stated but Zeke was to busy to notice her, because he was continuously kicking and hitting me but when he heard the sirens he started to run but I grabbed his ankle and mumbled "you did this to me and you will suffer" I tripped him over and when the police arrived they arrested him and took me to hospital.  

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